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30 Sep 2021
FRANÇAIS September 30 is Canada’s first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation with many events planned across our country. For example, the National Centre on Truth and Reconciliation has a full week of learnings and events, calling this a week of Truth and Reconciliation. In addition, local...
News post
The Northern New England Chapter of AFP was founded when the Maine chapter merged with the Vermont/New Hampshire group. Since then, this tri-state chapter has grown to include more than 250 members. The chapter organizes an annual conference, which rotates among the three states; presents networking...
Chapter profile
01 Jan 2016
The Last Word Nowhere else will you learn the fascinating findings from Undercooked: Half-Baked Observations of Burning Issues in the Nonprofit Sector in “Games Fundraisers Play” by Larry Hostetler that appear in “The Last Word.” This unique article is an addition to Advancing Philanthropy and is...
News post
14 Nov 2022
AFP caught up with the Greater Dallas Chapter recently to learn about their National Philanthropy Day initiatives. Why is National Philanthropy Day (NPD) important to celebrate in your community? National Philanthropy Day is important to celebrate in the Greater Dallas community because it...
News post
22 Jun 2022
FRENCH After 19 years, The Honourable Senator Terry M. Mercer has retired from the Senate of Canada on his 75th birthday, May 6, 2022. From the outset, he was an advocate for the charitable sector—working hard to convince his colleagues of the importance of its work and the impact it has on...
News post
01 Apr 2018
I was recently home taking a vacation day from work when I received an email from the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP). The email said that my Indiana Chapter membership was renewed until 2019. I was thanked by the organization that serves 33,000 individual fundraisers in more than 250...
News post Donor Relations/Stewardship
The AFP Northeast Iowa Chapter advances and promotes philanthropy by empowering people and organizations to practice ethical and effective professional fundraising. We are a growing chapter - in existence since April 2010, serving the Waterloo/Cedar Falls metro area and surrounding counties of...
Chapter profile
The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) is the professional association of individuals and organizations that generate philanthropic support for a wide variety of charitable institutions. Founded in 1960, AFP advances philanthropy through its 26,000 members in more than 240 chapters...
The Central Virginia Chapter, founded in 1996, is based in Richmond. Local dues are $35. National and local membership dues are a combined $285 a year. Meetings are held monthly, along with a Spring Workshop and National Philanthropy Day® in November of each year. For membership information, please...
Chapter profile
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