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Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. eastern daylight time (1 CFRE Credit) Fundraising Team Effectiveness in Challenging Times In this instructor led one-hour session, participants will explore concepts and principles on: Principles of Team Effectiveness Leading a Team Operating Remotely Sustaining...
23 Aug 2019
FRANÇAIS Dear AFP Members, We need your help! As part of the AFP Canada Communications Committee, our team of volunteers is looking to build an AFP story database with a focus on stories about the impact of fundraisers. To get started, the committee will be documenting stories slated for completion...
News post
History: Founded in 1996, the Piedmont Chapter focuses on educating members, nonmembers, and the public in fundraising and development while encouraging the philanthropic spirit that makes a community great. The Piedmont Chapter is one of the host chapters of the Virginia Fund Raising Institute, and...
Chapter profile
REGISTER TODAY! You don't want to miss this very important Chapter meeting and wonderful educational opportunity. Please join us on Thursday, June 10 for AFP Edmonton & Area Chapter's Annual General Meeting followed by a presentation on Philanthropic Trends. About the session: While we definitely...
10 Dec 2019
FRANÇAIS What fundraisers are thinking and how they are planning for the year ahead As 2020 approaches, many fundraisers are assessing what has—and hasn’t—worked for them in the past, even as they cope with the external dynamics buffeting the sector today and consider the emerging critique of the...
News post Donor Relations/Stewardship Boards and Volunteers Your Fundraising Career
AFP London & Region NPD Webinar with Emma Lewzey: Building Your Purposeful Pipeline You have been working hard all through this global pandemic, take this opportunity to celebrate National Philanthropy Day with an exemplary professional development webinar with Emma Lewzey, Blue Sky Philanthropy...
26 Feb 2019
“With Lifelong Appreciation” — Jeanene “There is a wisdom of the head and a wisdom of the heart.” — Charles Dickens (literary genius and social critic) American philanthropist and entrepreneur Earl Stafford Sr. is a true mentor, business executive, and leader. Mr. Stafford is the founder of The...
News post
14 Aug 2018
On July 26, more than 75 AFP leaders gathered for what has become one of the most popular AFP events in our country: the Canadian Leadership Retreat. This gathering provides a unique opportunity to connect with other fundraising leaders and AFP staff for meaningful dialogue and delve into important...
News post Boards and Volunteers
01 Jan 2018
“Fundraising is not a profession,” a revered and now long-dead Hawaii community leader quietly intoned during a board meeting, “as much as a shoe salesman is not a professional. You just raise money, like you just sell shoes.” There was a hush. I sat there, having completed a stalled capital...
News post Research Reports Case for Support
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