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22 Apr 2022
(Arlington, Va.) Terrel White, newly named director of advancement at The Center for Nonprofit Excellence in Charlottesville, Va., after spending years in Michigan, has been recognized as one of five Outstanding Young Professionals by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP). The award...
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01 Apr 2017
Is AFP defined by what we do or what we help make happen? While the Strategic Planning Committee considered many important questions as it developed our new strategic plan for 2017–2019, it was this question that I think best described our thinking as we looked to the future. The twin ideas of...
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01 Jul 2023
‘It’s about the people’ Hospitality is synonymous with the people of the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador, and it will be on full throttle as the AFP Newfoundland and Labrador Chapter hosts the Canadian Leadership Retreat in St. John’s from July 20–22. The retreat, which is one of many...
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CFRE credit (1 point) In today’s volatile job market, you may have been laid off, fired, been the casualty of a leadership change or seen signs that it’s time to move on. In this webinar, Megan Marzo and Robin Merle will help you navigate job loss and change, so that you can ultimately make this a...
Webinar Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA)
Join us for a special 1.5 hour event featuring two distinguished African American development professionals who will share their unique journeys and perspectives as Black fundraisers. These two speakers include former AFP Board chair Alphonce Brown, Jr. and Morgana Nieves who will discuss the...
01 Jul 2016
Two Studies Offer New Perspectives on What It Takes to “Reset Development” In the 2013 study UnderDeveloped: A National Study of Challenges Facing Nonprofit Fundraising, the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund ( and Compass-Point Nonprofit Services ( documented...
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21 Dec 2021
(Arlington, Va.) Krishan Mehta, Ph.D., associate vice president for engagement at Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario, and a leading voice for building greater inclusion, diversity, equity and access in the fundraising profession, will be recognized as a Distinguished Fellow of the Association of...
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01 Jan 2018
A walk down AFP’s Diversity Memory Lane will serve as a serious reminder of the struggles a group of committed professionals experienced to ensure that anyone could participate in and contribute to this noble profession—and the various publics served are all the better because of it. Twenty-five...
News post Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA)
01 Apr 2017
Above: United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) Halloween collection box, late 1900s. Amid concerns about world affairs after World War II, Americans were encouraged to donate to international relief. Philanthropy became the human face of global American influence, and...
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