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06 Mar 2019
Jamie Cleghorn and Max Armstrong, two friends who have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to send kids with type 1 diabetes to Diabetes Canada’s D-Camps, will receive the 2019 CARTER Award for Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy, Group, presented by AFP.
News post Boards and Volunteers Your Fundraising Career
About: The Arkansas Chapter was founded in 1981 and held its first Philanthropy Day recognition program in 1986. Currently, the chapter offers monthly education meetings, monthly webinars and access to a webinar library. The chapter hosts an annual Philanthropy Day luncheon which is widely attended...
Chapter profile
Social media is no longer a nice-to-have in a well-rounded integrated fundraising program. It’s where so many potential supporters are learning about your cause, and where your current supporters keep up with your progress. Join Brock and Holly to help you refocus your charity’s social media efforts...
Event Your Fundraising Career
18 Jun 2024
FRANÇAIS AFP Canada is a leading national voice for fundraising professionals who are vital in advancing charitable work. Formed in 2017, AFP Canada was created to complement AFP Global’s work. Its mandate is uniquely focused on Canadian government relations and communications, and important...
News post
27 Mar 2023
CONTACTS: Natalie Paskoski, Manager of Content, (434) 236 – 5583, (Arlington, Virginia) Sean McCarthy, development manager, National Housing Trust, has been recognized as one of two Outstanding Young Professionals by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP)...
News post
10 Sep 2020
You could be forgiven if you raised an eyebrow when Food Banks Canada launched a $150 million campaign on March 18, the day the prime minister declared the country was locking down to try to keep the coronavirus pandemic from spreading further. “As the virus has continued to spread, we are taking...
News post Donor Relations/Stewardship
Updated September 18, 2024 Explore IDEA at AFP Canada AFP Canada is committed to the principles of IDEA ( inclusion, diversity, equity and access) which guide our work as a national leading voice for the fundraising profession in Canada. Building on the work that is led by AFP Global, AFP Canada's...
01 Jan 2018
First, tax legislation has been one of the most impactful events on fundraising in the past century. The 1913 Revenue Act “exempts income tax on nonprofit revenues if operating exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific or education purposes.” The 1917 and 1918 income tax laws allowed...
News post Ethics Fundraising Policies
23 Oct 2019
Average amount given per donor household remained constant post-recession, while total share of households who give decreased A new report published by the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at IUPUI and funded by a grant from The Vanguard Charitable Philanthropic Impact Fund...
Resource Donor Relations/Stewardship Benchmarks International Trends and Resources Research Reports
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