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Master Trainer, Peggy Calhoun, ACFRE will present "All I Learned About Campaigns, I Learned from my Cats." This presentation, based upon 40 years of conducting capital campaigns, covers key principles in leadership, constituents, goal setting, studies, Board giving, prospect research, gift...
Daniel H. Lanteigne has been a philanthropy professional for many years, having held mandates of Executive Director, development, talent management and communications before joining BNP Philanthropic Performance as Vice President, Talent, Strategy & Impact. His complementary expertise enables him to...
Staff profile
01 Apr 2019
My name is Ken Miller, CFRE, and I am a 56-year-old African-American male fundraising consultant based in Anchorage, Alaska, and would like to share about the importance of professional development and training in my fundraising career. I entered the field of nonprofits nine years ago after spending...
News post Your Fundraising Career
22 Apr 2022
(Arlington, Va.) Sara Paracha, director of development for the North Side Community School in St. Louis, Mo., has been recognized as one of five Outstanding Young Professionals by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP). The award recognizes fundraisers under the age of 31 who display...
News post
23 Feb 2020
(Arlington, Va.) Robert (Bob) Carter, CFRE, one of the world’s most respected and recognized voices in fundraising and philanthropy, is the recipient of the Chair’s Award for Outstanding Service presented by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP). The Chair’s Award is given to...
News post Boards and Volunteers
05 Mar 2019
(Arlington, Va.) Lizzie Allison, a 17-year old young woman who has raised tens of thousands of dollars to help foster kids celebrate birthdays, has received the 2019 CARTER Award for Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy, Individual, presented by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP). The...
News post
01 Jul 2018
Above: From the pop-up AR Exhibit, Black Broadway on U: Echoes of an Era at the Studio Theatre in Washington, D.C. Photo courtesy of Black Broadway on U: A Transmedia Project. The Awesome Foundation was founded in 2009 in Boston, Massachusetts, with the mission of “forwarding the interest of awesome...
News post Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA)
30 Sep 2021
ENGLISH Le 30 septembre 2021 marquera la première Journée nationale de la vérité et de la réconciliation qui sera célébrée au Canada. Pour l’occasion, de nombreux événements sont prévus partout au pays. Par exemple, le Centre national pour la vérité et la réconciliation a prévu une semaine remplie d...
News post
01 Oct 2016
Is Your Organization Ready for the New Federal Overtime Laws? How will the new federal overtime laws affect the day-to-day staffing and operations of charities, particularly small or midsize organizations? The laws take effect in December and include redefining exempt versus nonexempt employees. One...
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