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01 Jan 2018
A walk down AFP’s Diversity Memory Lane will serve as a serious reminder of the struggles a group of committed professionals experienced to ensure that anyone could participate in and contribute to this noble profession—and the various publics served are all the better because of it. Twenty-five...
News post Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA)
01 Apr 2016
Finance and Fundraising Collaboration At your organization, do you feel that the development office and the finance department are collaborative? A majority of baby boomers working in finance (60 percent) and fundraising (57 percent) feel the relationship is very collaborative. However, 34 percent...
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30 Aug 2024
FRANÇAIS With a Canadian federal election poised to take place on or before October 20, 2025, and with the current government having held power in majority or minority governments for close to 10 years, many pundits are predicting change. And many organizations across the country, including...
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01 Jul 2023
We asked, you answered: AFP members share their best advice, inspire you with their favorite stories of giving, and give up their secrets to fundraising success When it comes to advice about the profession, to whom do you turn? If you’re anything like us, it’s the people of AFP. Advancing...
News post Your Fundraising Career
24 Mar 2020
AFP is interviewing a series of emerging leaders to showcase the work and ideas of young professionals in fundraising. In this Q&A, Jonathan Meagher-Zayas, MSW, MPA, director of agency advancement at Villa of Hope and member of the AFP Global Emerging Leaders Task Force, discusses his start in...
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31 Oct 2019
FRANÇAIS AFP Global Daily has been working on this in-depth article for a couple of months. Today we’re featuring Part One: When Women Speak Out. Part Two, The Response, consolidates the information about what is happening to promote change, will be published in the near future. Part One: When Women...
Resource Boards and Volunteers Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA) Your Fundraising Career
01 Oct 2016
Above: Illustration Credit Neil Webb/Getty Images Peter Drucker, one of the best-known and most widely influential thinkers and writers on the subject of management theory and practice, once said, “Efficiency is doing the thing right. Effectiveness is doing the right thing.” Does that apply to your...
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26 Feb 2020
To celebrate Black History Month, AFP is interviewing several Black leaders of AFP. Today we spotlight Shawn Wills, vice president of operations and strategy for the Women’s Business Council Southwest and the first African American president of the AFP Greater Dallas Chapter. AFP: Why don't you...
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22 Aug 2023
AFP Member Spotlights are a recurring series of interviews with AFP members, highlighting the unique individuals and career paths that exist within the fundraising profession. If you know an inspiring fundraising professional who deserves to be featured, please email In this...
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