Speaker Database - Speaker FAQ's

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Information on this Web site is only intended as a search engine that is made available to the public. We will make every effort to keep this site current and to correct errors brought to our attention however, AFP makes no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding errors or omissions regarding speaker listings. This is a third party run Web site, designating each speaker as a third party. AFP cannot endorse any individual speaker listing(s), and cannot be held liable for the material(s) or action(s) provided by speakers in this database. AFP does not endorse, represent or warrant the accuracy or reliability of any of the information, content, advertisements or other information included in the speaker listings. Any reliance upon any information, content, advertisements, products, services or vendors included on or found through this database shall be at the user's sole risk.

Speakers designated as AFP Members and AFP Master Trainers have been subject to verification by AFP's membership database and confirmed. These individuals have signed the AFP Code of Ethics and agree to comply.

Speaker FAQ's

1. What is the AFP Online Speaker Database, and how will it help me?

The AFP Online Speaker Database is a portal where you can input your information to be posted as a speaker listing. Users will search for speakers based on the Hot Topics, regions, credentials, etc. Once you are listed as a speaker, you can be contacted by a user who is seeking a speaker that matches your criteria for their event (conference, seminar, gala, course, webinar, etc.). Creating a speaker listing for yourself will give you plenty of visibility to the users. Members of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) have access to the AFP Speaker Database on a daily basis. But the directory isn't limited to association members. Other CEOs, executive directors, vice presidents, managers and consultants are using the directory as well.

2. Is the AFP Online Speaker Database free to me, as a speaker?

AFP Members receive the basic listing (name, address, phone and fax) at no cost. You have the opportunity for a basic listing (free to AFP Members; nominal fee for non-members), completed listing (nominal fee for both AFP Members and non-members), and various upgrade options (nominal fee for both AFP Members and non-members),. You can also purchase a banner or showcase spot for yourself or your products/services offered. The pricing model for a speaker listing in the AFP Online Speaker Database can be found under Advertisers-Guide Media Kit.

3. What should I include as my "Description" for my speaker listing?

We suggest you include as much information about your speaking abilities that you can to ensure the best fit for the user that is seeking a speaker. Helpful suggestions on what to include in your Description, which may entice users to contact you are: Speaker Bio; Topic(s)/Titles(s)/Brief Description(s) of presentations you have to offer; Previous presentations offered with ratings provided; References for previous speaking engagements; Honorarium charges (if any); How far you'll travel to present; And any other important information about your speaking abilities that you think would entice the user.

4. What do the headings under each Category/Hot Topic stand for?

  • 0-2 Years Experience - Entry Level; 3-6 Years Experience - Mid-Level; 7-9 Years Experience - Senior Level; 10+ Years Experience - Advanced - These "levels" refer to the level of experience that you, the speaker, can present to. For example, if you can speak to an attendance with 3-6 years' experience in Annual Funds then you would choose: Annual Fund-3-6 Years Experience - Mid-Level, when creating or updating your speaker listing.
  • AFP Chapter Speaker - This indicates that you have, or are able to, present at an AFP Chapter event.
  • Author/Book - This indicates that you are an Author/have a book.
  • International Conference Speaker - This indicates that you have spoken at an AFP International Conference on Fundraising.
  • Webinar Speaker - This indicates that you have, or are able to, present a Webinar/Audioconference.

5. What do the Advanced Filters stand for?

  • AFP Member - This filter indicates that you are an AFP Member.
  • CFRE - This filter shows that you have indicated that you are a Certified Fundraising Executive.
  • ACFRE - This filter shows that you have indicated that you are an Advanced Certified Fundraising Executive.
  • AFP Master Trainer - This filter indicates you are an AFP Master Trainer. An AFP Master Trainer is a speaker who has completed the AFP Faculty Training Academy. 

6. How do I get started?

In the AFP Online Speaker Database, go to Advertisers-Create a New Listing. This will walk you through the online process to create a speaker listing. Please be sure to use the most current and accurate information, as this will be populated and will show in the database. Any information you include can be searchable by a user.

7. Who do I call if I am having problems with my listing or if I cannot log back in to update my listing?

You can contact MultiView at (972) 402-7000, or e-mail them at afp@multiview.com.

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