AFP CA, Greater Los Angeles Chapter Event: 35th Anniversary National Philanthropy Day 2020 Conference and Awards

Friday, November 13, 2020
8:45 a.m. - 4:15 p.m. (Pacific)

AFP-GLAC is planning a full-day on-line conference with a wonderful NPD Awards honoring the people and organizations that dedicate their time, talent and treasure to making the world a better place through philanthropy.

Morning Keynote Speaker
Dr. Kamau Bobb is the Global Lead for Diversity Strategy and Research at Google and the founding Senior Director of the Constellations Center for Equity in Computing at Georgia Tech. He is an engineer and science and technology policy scholar whose work focuses on the STEM enterprise, large educational systems, and the structural conditions that influence contemporary American life.

He brings to his current position a wealth of experience as a former Program Officer at the National Science Foundation (NSF). At NSF he was responsible for $30 million annually of investments targeted on improving computing and STEM education. In that role Dr. Bobb worked to help shape the national research agenda for effective means of delivering equitable and quality computational education to all students. He has worked with members of the Office and Science and Technology Policy in the Obama Administration to set the national strategy for STEM education at both post-secondary and secondary school levels. He was selected as a member of President Obama’s My Brother’s Keeper STEM + Entrepreneurship Taskforce to help U.S. cities craft strategies to engage young men and boys of color in the STEM landscape. Prior to his federal appointment, Dr. Bobb was the Director of the STEM Initiative for the University System of Georgia, a collaborative effort with the governor’s office to improve STEM education across the 30 public institutions serving approximately 325,000 students in the state.

Breakout Session 1
10:00-10:40 a.m.

A: Fund Development Strategies for 2021
Raising funds this year is different than ever before. How can we achieve our goals when we can’t meet in person or hold galas and other events? How can we bring in new donors and connect with them in meaningful ways? How do we transition our event to a virtual environment? In this interactive workshop we will learn how to adapt our fundraising strategies to reach success under the current conditions. Learn what’s working and share best practices with your peers in this session encompassing both large and small organizations.

B: How Board Members Can Be Effective Fundraising Partners
We all want our Board members to be more engaged in fundraising, but how can we make that happen? This panel discussion will give you insights from Board member and Development teams who have worked together to enhance their organizations’ success in fundraising and donor relations.

One of two board/staff duos, Genevieve Riutort, Deputy Director and CDO, and Jocelyn Cortese, Fundraising Committee Chair, Westside Food Bank will discuss their experiences in expanding the board’s fundraising success. Kate Rosloff, nonprofit consultant, will serve as moderator.

Breakout Session 2
11:00 - 11:40 a.m.

A: Career Development
Staying “Safer at Home” doesn’t have to mean slowing down your career progression. There are organizations looking for talent, and you can connect with them today through the wonders of technology. The internet has afforded us amazing tools to advertise our openings, submit applications online, interview via zoom, offer/accept a new position, and even begin working remotely. How can we leverage this new reality most successfully?

Matt Kamin of Envision Consulting will explain how their search firm is helping connect talent with opportunity every day. He will provide attendees tips on how to be most successful in securing a new position for yourself or a new employee for your organization.

B: Funder’s Landscape: How the Funders’ Landscape has Changed
How have funding priorities shifted in the age of COVID? Are funding priorities the same or different now? In this session we will hear how philanthropy is responding to the needs of nonprofits, from the perspectives of a corporate funder, a private foundation, and a donor advised funds manager.

Speakers will include representatives of 1) The foundation of a commercial bank ; 2) A representative of a prominent private foundation; 3) A manager of a donor advised fund.

Breakout Session 3
12:45-1:25 p.m.

A: How Self-Care Can Increase Your Organization’s Bottom Line
Taking Care of You is Better for Everyone!

Fundraising and non-profit management can be high-stress jobs. But if you allow yourself or your team to reach burnout, it will ultimately hurt your organization and the constituency you serve. That’s why self-care is so important, both for you and your team.

In this feel-good session we will have a chance to celebrate one another’s accomplishments and learn from each other’s wins. We will practice self care and learn mindfulness techniques that we can take back to our teams and help them de-stress. A life coach will help us realize how self-care and mindfulness enable us to remain centered during life’s challenges, so that we in turn can be more supportive and even more effective.

B: Major Gifts: How to start a major gifts program from scratch
Your organization deserves to have a major gifts program. And your donors deserve the opportunity to become personally known, which may culminate in a significant gift. Yet, in the whirlwind of activity in most development offices, it is tough to start up a new program cultivating major gifts. In this workshop we will learn three simple steps we can take to get our major gifts program started. Lupita Garza, CFRE, will share her personal experience in working in major gifts programs and in helping AFP members with limited resources start up major gifts programs of their own.

*Pending 8 CFRE CEs*



Conference Ticket includes:

  • Keynote Speaker
  • Breakout Sessions
  • Virtual Networking Lunch Affinity Groups
  • Virtual Expo Hall
  • NPD Awards Ceremony
  • CFRE Credits

Conference Pricing:

  • AFP Members - $69 through 9/30, $89 10/1-11/6
  • Non-Members - $89 through 9/30, $109 10/1-11/6

Awards Only Ticket Includes:

  • Virtual Expo Hall
  • NPD Awards Ceremony

Awards Only Ticket Pricing:

  • $35 for all Awards Only Attendees

Debbie Even


For more details and to register click on this link: 

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