Globe & Mail Promoting the Importance of Giving

ad promoting giving to charities

On April 10, 16, 19 and May 8, the Globe & Mail generously published AFP Canada's message about the importance of giving to charities: it's time to help those who help others. AFP is grateful to the Globe & Mail for promoting the importance of giving to charities.

Not unlike many other sectors in our country, the charitable sector has been greatly impacted by the pandemic. Many charities and nonprofits are struggling not only to meet the increased demand for services due to the pandemic, but simply to survive. Through donations they can make a difference to those who rely on charities that enrich the fabric of our lives as well as provide essential services. Unfortunately, too many organizations in our sector have already had to close their doors, further impacting those who are most vulnerable. Now more than ever, Canadians need to be reminded of the importance of supporting charities—not just the charities responding to the crisis, but all charities. The survival of far too many depends on it.

Through our long-standing partnership, AFP and the Globe & Mail have elevated the profile of the fundraising profession and inspired philanthropy across our country. Nearly 20 special Globe & Mail Supplements on Philanthropy showcasing how philanthropy makes the world a better place have been published over our 10 year partnership.

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