AFP News

Proposed 2025 AFP Canada Board of Directors

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Members of AFP from Canada were invited to review the proposed slate for the 2025 AFP Canada board of directors before Friday, November 22 at 5:00 p.m. eastern. 

AFP Canada is a leading national voice for fundraising professionals who are vital in advancing charitable work. Formed in 2017, AFP Canada was created to complement AFP Global’s work. Its mandate is uniquely focused on Canadian government relations and communications, and important national priorities like Truth and Reconciliation. AFP Canada's work is guided by its joint strategic plan with the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada.

The over 3,000 AFP members in Canada raise funds to support the arts, culture, shelters, emergency services, healthcare, education, reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples, and social justice. They enjoy the many membership benefits offered by AFP Global and their chapters. They also benefit from AFP Canada’s advocacy, our efforts to raise the profile of the fundraising profession, and our work on identifying and taking meaningful actions on Truth and Reconciliation.

AFP Canada is committed to the principles of IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access). Examples of how AFP Canada embeds IDEA into its work can be found in this article. As part of that commitment, we require board members to take anti-racism training, the cost of which is paid by AFP Canada. We strive to create a welcoming and diverse board where all members feel they belong, feel heard, and are appreciated for their unique contributions. Recognizing the need to be more inclusive, AFP Canada adopted norms of behaviour which guide our work together.

The nominating committee of AFP Canada underwent a lengthy process to identify candidates for the 2025 AFP Canada board of directors. We are pleased to bring forward a slate of candidates with a strong interest, diverse lived and learned experience and numerous skills and expertise to advance our profession at the national level. The following criteria was used in the selection process:

  • Leadership ability that demonstrates the skills needed to govern a professional association;
  • Previous service to AFP, philanthropy and the community locally, nationally and/or internationally;
  • Participation in AFP activities as a volunteer; and
  • AFP membership standing (membership is required for board service).

Additional consideration was given to the following:

  • Relevant professional certification, education or learning;
  • Overall knowledge of AFP;
  • Demonstrated inclusive leadership experience;
  • Financial support of the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada;
  • Ability to communicate in both of Canada’s official languages;
  • Diversity of geographic location and of chapter size;
  • Diversity of areas of professional practice;
  • Demographic diversity (e.g., people of different ages, races, religions, sexual orientation, etc.);
  • Other community perspectives needed by AFP at the time candidates were being considered.

With the endorsement of AFP members in Canada, the slate will be presented to the member of AFP Canada for approval. The 2025 board members will begin their terms on January 1, 2025.

The nominating committee of AFP Canada was chaired by Ken Mayhew, past chair of the AFP Canada Board. Other members of the committee include Rea Ganesh, Jennifer Johnstone, Marc Lapointe, CFRE, Juniper Locilento, MPNL, CFRE, and Katherine Pui.

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