AFP News

Stories of Fundraising Impact Needed!

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Dear AFP Members,

We need your help!  As part of the AFP Canada Communications Committee, our team of volunteers is looking to build an AFP story database with a focus on stories about the impact of fundraisers.

To get started, the committee will be documenting stories slated for completion and circulation in time for National Philanthropy Day later this year. Ultimately, our goal is to create a central resource for AFP chapters to share and access stories of impact about fundraising across Canada.

To that end, we are asking you to submit stories and ideas for consideration. A story might be an image, a quote/testimonial, a short story or a long story that AFP has rights to use. If you don’t have content, but have a great idea, that’s fine too! 

We will follow up with you to review and discuss the best way to document your story idea as we build our archive. 

Please provide your input via the following link

We are focused on developing stories that can further our shared objectives to:

  • Impact public perception so that fundraisers (especially AFP members) are understood to be ethical, professional, and trustworthy;
  • Build public trust in fundraising as profession to facilitate growth in giving; and
  • Illustrate the link between fundraising and philanthropy.

This will be a resource built by our extraordinary AFP network for all to use. We look forward to your participation in this first step! If you have any questions, please contact

Thank you,

AFP Impact Subcommittee

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