What Will My Gift Support

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BE the CAUSE is the Foundation’s annual, unrestricted fund that supports all four pillars of our case for support. BE the CAUSE helps to fund local, national, and international programs such as scholarships, leadership development, education and much more. A portion of every donation that a member makes goes back to their local chapter to support local programs.  

“I pay dues for my AFP Membership for my own professional development, but I make a gift to the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy as a way of giving back to the fundraising profession and the future leaders in our field.” Susan Earl Hosbach, CFRE

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The world of philanthropy has a clearly defined leadership gap. The Bridgespan Group found that nonprofits with revenue larger than $250,000 (excluding hospitals and institutions of higher education) need to attract and develop almost 80,000 new senior managers each year for the next decade.

  • AFP LEAD provides the opportunity for fundraisers to learn the skills required to grow into senior leadership positions within the nonprofit sector. Scholarships are also awarded for those looking to lead their local chapters and develop new professional skills.
  • Chamberlain Scholarships are offered to every AFP chapter so that a local fundraiser can attend AFP ICON and come together with their community, share resources, and experience new educational opportunities.
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The AFP IDEA Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access (IDEA) Impact program is a phased, multi-year approach focused on empowering and educating diverse communities. Each initiative has four components: research, education, support and guidance, and awareness. The goal is to prepare the next generation of diverse fundraisers to lead the profession. 

  • The Diverse Communities Scholarship Program was created by AFP and receives funding from the Foundation for Philanthropy to provide financial assistance for fundraisers who are themselves members of a diverse community or are employed by grassroots organizations that primarily serve diverse populations to attend the AFP International Conference on Fundraising. 
  • The Women’s Impact Initiative is the first initiative to assess, address and highlight the specific issues and challenges that women in the fundraising profession face, including pay equity, harassment, inclusion in leadership, and male allyship. The objectives are research, education, leadership development, implementation, and mentorship. 
  • The Alford Group IDEA Mentoring and Leadership Development Program was launched in 2019 and includes leadership development education, in person meeting opportunities at AFP LEAD, leadership topics and development webinars, cohort facilitated webinars, and executive coaching.


The Fundraising Effectiveness Project (FEP) was created to help nonprofits increase giving at a faster pace. The FEP pursues this goal by providing nonprofits with tools for tracking and evaluating their annual growth in giving and identifying areas where organizations should focus their fundraising efforts. The FEP also releases quarterly reports on levels of giving and numbers of donors in both the U.S. and Canada.

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AFP created the Code of Ethical Standards in 1960 to foster the development and growth of fundraising professionals and the profession, to promote the highest ethical behavior in the fundraising profession and to preserve philanthropy and volunteerism.

  • Ethics Awareness Month: The Foundation for Philanthropy funds Ethics Awareness Month, held annually in October, dedicated to helping fundraising professionals understand the Code of Ethics, grow ethical skills, and demonstrate their commitment to the highest ethical standards.

Ways to Give to the Foundation


AFP Foundation for Philanthropy
4200 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 480, Arlington, VA 22203-4416



Text AFP to 571-749-2699


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