Introducing the 2023 AFP Canada Board of Directors

We are delighted that AFP members in Canada offered their overwhelming support for the 2023 AFP Canada Board of Directors. Congratulations to the following leaders:
Jennifer Johnstone – Chair
President & CEO
Central City Foundation
Vancouver, British Columbia
Ken Mayhew – Past Chair
President and CEO
William Osler Health System Foundation
Brampton, Ontario
Rea Ganesh - Chair-Elect
Vice President, Philanthropy
Scarborough Health Network Foundation
Scarborough, Ontario
Scott Fortnum, CFRE, ACFRE - Treasurer
President & CEO
Children’s Health Foundation
London, Ontario
Tanya Rumble, CFRE - Secretary
Director of Development
Faculty of Arts
Toronto Metropolitan University
Toronto, Ontario
Imoleayo (Ayo) Adeyeri,
Graduate Assistant
The Fund Raising School
Indiana University
Indianapolis, Indiana
Laureen Bardou, CFRE
Senior Director, Philanthropic Development
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts Foundation
Montréal, Quebec
Stephanie Brown Munro
Chief Executive Officer
Lloydminster Region Health Foundation
Lloydminster, Saskatchewan
Rebecca Dutton, CFRE
President & CEO
Janeway Children’s Hospital Foundation
St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador
Megan Feltham, CFRE
Campaign Strategist
Good Works
Ottawa, Ontario
Katie Greene, CFRE
Executive Director
United Way Newfoundland and Labrador
St. John’s, Newfoundland
David Love, CFRE
Vancouver, British Columbia
Teresa Marques
President & CEO
Rideau Hall Foundation
Ottawa, Ontario
Amy Pawluk, CFRE
Chief Operating Officer
Blakely Fundraising
Toronto, Ontario
Aaron Sanderson, CFRE, ACFRE
SVP, Advancement & Chief Development Officer
Kids Help Phone
Toronto, Ontario
Shamina Senaratne
Communications and Community Outreach Manager
Coquitlam Heritage Society
Port Moody, British Columbia
Lisa Weatherhead, CFRE
Director of Development
Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Vincent Duckworth, CFRE – AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada Board Chair
President & CEO
ViTreo Group Inc.
Calgary, Alberta
Mike Geiger, MBA, CPA
President & CEO
Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Global
Arlington, Virginia
Birgit Smith Burton – AFP Global Board Chair
Executive Director
African American Development Officers Network
Atlanta, Georgia
Members have been elected to serve terms beginning on January 1, 2023. Selections were made based on the following criteria:
- Leadership ability that demonstrates the skills needed to govern a professional association;
- Previous service to AFP, philanthropy and the community locally, nationally and/or internationally;
- Participation in AFP activities as a volunteer; and
- AFP membership standing (membership is required for board service).
Additional consideration was given to the following:
Relevant professional certification, education or learning;
- Overall knowledge of AFP;
- Demonstrated inclusive leadership experience;
- Financial support of the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada;
- Ability to communicate in both of Canada’s official languages;
- Diversity of geographic location and of chapter size;
- Diversity of areas of professional practice;
- Demographic diversity (e.g., people of different ages, races, religions, sexual orientation, etc.);
- Other community perspectives needed by AFP at the time candidates are being considered.
AFP Canada was created in 2017 to bring a Canadian perspective to AFP’s government relations and communications. We represent more than 3,200 fundraising professionals working to support causes and missions that help Canadians from coast to coast to coast. We serve as the voice of the fundraising profession in Canada and are part of the larger AFP Global network—the largest community of professional fundraisers in the world.
Guided by the AFP in Canada Strategic Plan, we focus on government relations and communications. Working in close partnership with 21 local chapters and the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada, AFP Canada strives to stimulate a world of generosity through ethical and effective fundraising.