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Reflecting on the History of AFP in Canada and My Role in Shaping It

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After more than 35 years with AFP, I will be retiring on February 15, 2025. One of the things I am most proud of is the growth of AFP in Canada and my small part in it. As I close my career at AFP and reflect on all that has been accomplished in Canada, I thought I should take the time to document this history of AFP in Canada.

Below is a timeline, key accomplishments and leaders over the years, but to begin, here are some thoughts that I would like to share.

One of my earliest memories is attending a January 1996 meeting in Calgary, where leaders from across the country gathered to develop a strategy for growth across the country. It was -20 C, I didn’t wear boots and had to walk a short distance from my hotel to the meeting location. Coming from Virginia, I don’t think I had ever been that cold before. I can still remember that short walk to this day!

In 2015, AFP held a series of focus groups across the country to help inform the creation of what is now known as AFP Canada. We asked those groups “If you had to leave the room with one big idea that AFP and the fundraising sector needs to address, what would it be?”. The looming leadership gap was identified. That was the first time I heard that concern, and it was the impetus for reviewing external research, conducting AFP member research and implementing the leadership development program which includes the AFP Leadership Institute, AFP Catalyst happening at AFP ICON 2025, and the strategic needed to make sure fundraising professionals have the skills they need to move into senior leadership positions at nonprofit organizations. It’s pretty cool to reflect and remember how that first conversation led to an entire program being developed for AFP.

For most of my NSFRE/AFP career, I was in charge of Membership and Chapter Services. There was a period where we had chapter directors and assigned chapters. All the chapters in Canada were under my portfolio. I am so fortunate to have traveled to all but one of them and to see how beautiful Canada is from coast to coast. Those visits involved strategic planning, chapter leadership training and getting to understand the needs of our members in Canada. To have twenty chapters and more than 3,000 members today is very rewarding.

There were lots of fun times along the way. Specifically at the AFP in Canada Leadership Retreats where an annual fundraising campaign took place for the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada. The first fundraising campaign took place organically in Ottawa with “spin the lemon”, and over the years included “kiss the cod”, getting Jason Lee, my former colleague, to dress up in a cow costume and wear a Toronto Maple Leaf jersey, and creating watermelon helmets in Saskatoon. A bunch of fundraisers, having fun, yet raising money for the profession.

IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access) has been a priority for AFP in Canada for many years starting with a significant investment in 2012 with the Inclusive Giving Project which became the Fellowship in Inclusion and Philanthropy Program.  We have now added an extra “A” onto the acronym for Anti-Racism in response to the Black anti-racism that took place at the AFP Greater Toronto Chapter.  Confronting a tough situation like this one challenges an organization to rise or fall and it is through leadership that we learn a path forward.  That path was led by Birgit Smith Burton, the AFP Global Board Chair in 2023-2024 and her thoughtfulness, courage and devotion helped AFP take responsibility and determine a path to move the organization forward.  The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada and AFP Canada as the two national entities are working with Power of Discourse an independent firm that are conducting an AFP in Canada IDEAA Audit.  Those recommendations will be shared in full, used as a roadmap for both entities to become more inclusive, and incorporated into the joint strategic plan.

Being a part of the fundraising growth and outreach that has taken place in Canada since the 1990’s has taught me so much about having a vision, the difference in cultures, and what collaboration can do for the greater good. The best part is the lifelong friends that you meet as part of your AFP experience.

Below is a trip down memory lane of significant milestones for AFP in Canada since it began.

Prior to 1994, there were two chapters in Canada. The AFP ON, Greater Toronto chapter and the AFP BC, Vancouver Island chapter.

In 1994, the Canadian Initiatives Task Force was created with co-leaders from both of those chapters, Gordon Durnan and John Saunders. Its priority was to form new chapters, Canadianize the CFRE exam and what was called the Survey and First Courses. And the most important yet controversial initiative was to allow Canadian members to pay membership dues at par value. I was the staff lead for this Task Force.

January 1996 in Calgary, AB, fundraising leaders from across the country gathered to develop a strategy for growth across the country. Using their personal networks, leaders were identified in various cities and outreach was performed to form AFP chapters. This would not have been possible if the NSFRE Board didn’t embrace their strategic vision of moving the organization from an American organization with Canadian chapters to a North American/International association. There was also opportunity in this year because the Canadian Society of Fundraising Executives (CSFRE) disbanded.

In 1998, at a Delegate Assembly meeting, there was a strong Canadian contingent of chapter leaders who lead the charge of a name change from the National Society of Fundraising Executives to something more inclusive. In 2001, the name changed to the Association of Fundraising Professionals.

In 1999, the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada was incorporated and began its work in 2000 with Andrea McManus as the first Chair. Per the original incorporation papers, the purpose of the Foundation is to educate the general public about fundraising and philanthropy through educational programs and scholarships and to promote research. Those core values continue to this day along with IDEAA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access and Anti-Racism) initiatives.

In December 2000, leaders met in Ottawa and the NSFRE Canadian Council was formed with Dianne Lister becoming the first chair. Government relations and communications were identified as its core responsibilities along with bringing the chapters based in Canada together for leadership development and networking. The first AFP in Canada Leadership Retreat was held in Calgary, AB in July 2001.

In 2003, the AFP International Conference on Fundraising was held in Toronto with 578 Canadians attending. By December 2004 we had 14 chapters and 2,646 members in Canada.

In 2006, bilingualism and the translation of materials into both French and English was deemed an overarching priority for the Foundation.  

In 2007, the long-time Executive Director of the AFP ON, Greater Toronto chapter, Cynthia Quigley expanded her role and became the Director of Canadian Services. In 2016, the Cynthia Quigley Endowment was created to recognize twenty years of staff service at the Greater Toronto chapter.

In 2010, TELUS received the Outstanding Corporation Award at the AFP International Philanthropy Awards, the first Canadian corporation to do so. Bilaal Rajan was the recipient of the Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy Award, another first for a Canadian.

In January 2011, Andrea McManus became the first Canadian chair to lead AFP Global. As a tribute to her leadership, every single chapter in Canada became a Ten Star Chapter in her honour. This was the first country where all chapters received the Ten Star Award in the same year.

The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada received a grant in 2012 for an Inclusive Giving Project from the Ontario Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade to fund twelve workshops in Toronto and Ottawa focused on twelve diverse communities. The program was called “Diversity to Inclusion in Philanthropy Series”.  Krishan Mehta, Ph.D., Leah Eustace, ACFRE, Tania Little, CFRE, Emma Lewzey, CFRE, Nancy Hollett and I met weekly for an early morning meeting to implement this program.

In 2012, legislation led by Senator Terry Mercer was passed making Canada the first country to make National Philanthropy Day® a permanent day on November 15th.  Also in 2012, Bell Canada received the Outstanding Corporation Award, Jamie and Patsy Anderson won the Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser Award and Jeneece Edroff won the Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy Award.

In 2014, AFP was challenged by three Canadian leaders who asked if it was time to form a separate Canadian fundraising association. In response to this push the AFP Canada New Horizons Task Force was formed, chaired by Denis Lalonde, MS. Focus groups were held across the country to determine what the next steps should be for AFP in Canada.  

In 2015, the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada received a second grant from the Ontario Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade to create the Fellowship in Inclusion and Philanthropy Program. This grant funded two cohorts of Fellows (2015/2016 and 2016/2017).

In 2015, the AFP Canada New Horizons Task Force brought final recommendations forward to the AFP Global Board in October 2015 recommending a hybrid approach of remaining a part of a global association but forming an independent Canadian entity. With the board approval a Transition Task Force, chaired by Nicholas Offord was created in 2016.

In 2017, AFP Canada was formed with Scott Decksheimer, CFRE being named the first chair. Its priorities centered around government relations, communications and bringing chapter leaders together. Similar to the charge of the Canadian Council in 2000, but now through a formal, legal structure with its own board of directors.

In 2018, the first vice president for AFP Canada was hired, Lisa Davey.

In 2018, the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada received a grant from Canadian Heritage to expand the Fellowship in Inclusion and Philanthropy Program across the country with a cohort of Fellows in 2018/2019.

In 2018, leaders across Canada took part in meetings members of Parliament as part of the “Day in the Ridings” campaign.

After hearing from 160 witnesses, including AFP leaders Scott Decksheimer, CFRE, Andrea McManus, Krishan Metha, Ph.D., and Juniper Locilento, MNPL, CFRE, the Special Senate Committee on the Charitable Sector released “Catalyst for Change: A Roadmap to a Stronger Charitable Sector” in 2019.

Launched in 2019, the “Narrative for Canadian Fundraising” was developed as a toolkit for fundraisers as they engage in discussions about the value and impact of fundraising focusing on how fundraising changes lives. In 2022, AFP Canada published version 2.8 after a review of this work through a decolonizing and social justice lens.

In 2020, the first two Canadian leaders, Andrea McManus and Luce Moreau, were recognized as Distinguished Fellows. In 2021, Krishan Mehta, Ph.D., and Steve Thomas joined the list of Canadians honoured.

After much advocacy during COVID, in April 2021, the government announced pandemic recovery funding for our sector.

In 2021, the “What Canadian Donors Want” research was conducted for the sixth time by the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada.

In 2021, the Action Identification Working Group on Truth and Reconciliation was formed between AFP Canada and the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada to develop an action plan which included publishing a national territorial acknowledgement for AFP. In 2024, Phyllis Webstad—Indigenous author, activist, and founder of the Orange Shirt Day—was the closing plenary speaker at AFP ICON. Also in 2024, AFP supported the new career-track training for Indigenous fundraisers.

In 2022, the federal government announced an increase to the minimum disbursement quota and amendments that allow charities to fund organizations other than non-qualified donees.

In 2022, AFP leaders took part in a national campaign to raise awareness of the impact of the charitable sector with government officials in their communities.

Long been a priority of the charitable sector, AFP Canada convened a meeting of nonprofit leaders with then Parliamentary Secretary Ya’ara Saks in April 2023 to discuss the benefits that would flow from a dedicated secretariat for the charitable sector.

After advocacy from across the country, the federal government amended its planned revisions to the Alternative Minimum Tax when it tabled the budget in 2024.

In 2024, AFP in Canada (AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada and AFP Canada) hired a firm, Power of Discourse to conduct an AFP in Canada IDEAA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access, and Anti-Racism) audit.

Late in 2024, in response to advocacy from AFP Canada and others in the sector, the federal government announced plans to extend the 2024 charitable donation deadline to February 2025 in response to impact of the postal strike on the charitable sector.

In 2025, the second AFP Global board chair from Canada was elected, Roger Ali, CFRE.


AFP Chapters in Canada


Year Chartered

AFP ON, Greater Toronto Chapter1970
AFP BC, Vancouver Island Chapter1993
AFP BC, Greater Vancouver Chapter1996
AFP ON, Ottawa Chapter1996
AFP AB, Edmonton & Area Chapter1996
AFP AB, Calgary & Area Chapter1996
AFP MB, Manitoba Chapter1996
AFP QC, Québec Chapter1998
AFP SK, Saskatoon Chapter1998
AFP SK, South Saskatchewan Chapter2001
AFP ON, Canada South Chapter2001
AFP NF, Newfoundland & Labrador Chapter2002
AFP NS, Nova Scotia Chapter2003
AFP ON, South Eastern Chapter2003
AFP ON, Golden Horseshoe Chapter2006
AFP AB, Southern Chapter2011
AFP BC, Interior Chapter2014
AFP NS, Cape Breton Chapter2014 (merged with Nova Scotia in 2024)
AFP AB, Central Chapter2014 (merged with Calgary & Area in 2016)
AFP NB, New Brunswick Chapter2015
AFP ON, Central Ontario Chapter2015
AFP ON, London & Region Chapter2020

AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada Board Chairs
2000 - 2002    Andrea McManus
2003 – 2004    Maretta Emery
2005 – 2006    Senator Terry Mercer
2007 – 2008    Marnie Hill    
2009 – 2010    Shauna Klein
2011 - 2012    Pati Greenwood, CFRE
2013 – 2015    Scott Decksheimer, CFRE
2015 – 2017    Leah Eustace, ACFRE
2017 – 2019    Roger Ali, CFRE    
2019 – 2021    Susan Storey, CFRE    
2022 - 2023    Jane Potentier, CFRE
2023 - 2024    Vincent Duckworth, CFRE
2025 - 2026    Amanda Fritz, CFRE & Muneeb Syed, CFRE

AFP Canada Board Chairs
2017 – 2018    Scott Decksheimer, CFRE
2019 – 2020    Paula Attfield
2021 – 2022    Ken Mayhew
2023 – 2024    Jennifer Johnstone
2025 – 2026    Rea Ganesh, MBA

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