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17 Apr 2024
FRANÇAIS On Tuesday, April 16 the Federal Government tabled Budget 2024: Fairness For Every Generation which, among other things, recognized that...
04 Apr 2024
FRANÇAIS The Board of Directors of AFP Canada sincerely regrets the anti-Black racism experienced by Nneka Allen, Mide Akerewusi and Múthoní Karíukí...
19 Mar 2024
FRANÇAIS AFP in Canada is supporting a career-track fundraising initiative for Indigenous students across the country—a program developed by The New...
19 Mar 2024
ENGLISH L’AFP au Canada apporte son soutien à une initiative sur le cheminement de carrière en collecte de fonds pour les étudiant.e.s autochtones de...
20 Feb 2024
FRANÇAIS When the pandemic upended our lives as we knew them, there was much uncertainty as to what would happen when things ‘got back to normal’ –...
13 Feb 2024
In this AFP ICON session spotlight, Aaron Sanderson, CFRE, ACFRE, AFP Canada's government relations committee chair, shares some of the key issues...
30 Jan 2024
FRANÇAIS So much of AFP’s work happens at the committee level. As part of our Committee Chair Conversation Series, in this article we are focusing on...
29 Jan 2024
FRANÇAIS The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Canada, the largest community of fundraising professionals in the country, is pleased to...
23 Jan 2024
FRANÇAIS AFP Global is a volunteer-based organization with 26,000 members in more than 180 chapters throughout the world. Each of the chapters has...
09 Jan 2024
ENGLISH Jennifer Johnstone, présidente de l’Association des professionnels en philanthropie du Canada (AFP Canada), a fait la déclaration qui suit en...
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