AFP News

Federal Election in Canada

Leadership and Teams: Boards and Volunteers
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The upcoming federal election, poised to take place on or before October 20, 2025, provides a unique opportunity for AFP leaders and members to raise the profile of our sector and to be heard by those wishing to represent us. Because of the revenue driven by fundraisers in Canada, and the government’s dependence on charities to deliver essential services, AFP’s government relations (GR) work is critical.

There are three phases to AFP Canada's election work: (1) before the election is called; (2) after the election is called; and (3) after the election is held. AFP members are encouraged to get involved in all three phases!

  1. Before the Election is Called (NOW) - Members of Parliament (MPs) and candidates are active in their ridings. They are interested in meeting constituents and learning more about the organizations doing great work in their communities--they are eager to engage in conversations. Here are specific things you can do now to raise the profile of our sector:

    Meeting Candidates in Your Riding: We are hearing more and more candidates announcing their intention to run in the next election. Some candidates have started knocking on doors and many are attending community events. These are great opportunities for you to get to know current and potential leaders in government, and to remind them about the impact of our sector’s work, particularly in your community. Refer to this one-pager on our sector and the critical need for a secretariat in government. Specific questions you can ask:

    • Tell me about your experience with charities.
    • Do you know the size and impact of our sector? (Refer to the one-pager above for stats about our sector's impact.)
    • Did you know that our sector doesn't have a single window into government? (Refer to the one-pager for how a secretariat would how improve support for Canadians.)
    • If elected, what would you do to support our sector? 
    • Encourage them to learn more about nonprofits and charities in their communities. 

    Engaging MPs around National Philanthropy Day®: NPD celebrations are a great opportunity for government officials to highlight and celebrate the amazing contributions of our sector. We encourage MPs to make a statement about the charitable sector in the House of Commons and in social media. Key messages to help you are below.  

  2. After the Election is Called - AFP members will be encouraged to raise the profile of our sector, focusing on the incredible impact that charities make in their communities, while stressing the need for a dedicated secretariat for the charitable sector in government. An AFP Canada Election Toolkit will offer tools and guidance to help members engage.
  3. After the Election is Held - AFP Canada will reach out to newly elected MPs on behalf of our members. AFP members will be encouraged to keep building relationships with their MPs after the election.

AFP Canada is a leading national voice for fundraising professionals across this country with over 3,000 members working in organizations from coast to coast to coast. AFP members play a critical role helping to shape Canadian policy and raising funds that change lives. They fundraise for organizations large and small, in rural and remote communities as well as towns and major cities across the country. Fundraisers support the arts, culture, shelters, emergency services, healthcare, education, reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples, and social justice, all while contributing over 8% to Canada's GDP. 

Key Message for NPD:

  • National Philanthropy Day®, officially November 15 every year, pays tribute to the extraordinary contribution that those involved in the philanthropic process have made to our communities.
  • In 2012, Canada officially recognized this day.
  • More than 5 million Canadians report making donations of all sizes each year.
  • Our sector contributes over 8% to GDP.
  • There are 170,000 nonprofits and charities in Canada.
  • 24% of Canadians rely on the sector for basic needs – just to get by!
  • Each MP should focus on the incredible impact that charities make in their community.
  • If MPs are posting on social media please ask them to use the following hashtags:
    o    #AFPCanada
    o    #NPD
  • If you are posting on social media, please include the following hashtags: 
    o    #AFPCanada
    o    #cdnpoli
    o    #NPD


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