Mansbridge’s Latest Book Includes a Chapter on Fundraising by Ken Mayhew

AFP Canada past chair, Ken Mayhew, president and CEO of William Osler Health System Foundation, is featured in the recently released new book co-authored by celebrated Canadian journalist Peter Mansbridge and Mark Bulgutch.
The book, How Canada Works: The People who Make our Nation Thrive, showcases Canadians and their chosen profession through first-person accounts. A chapter aptly titled “The Fundraiser” showcases Ken and provides insight into his work in the philanthropic sector.
Giving back has always been a core value for Ken and his family. The lucky few among us are able to turn our passion into our life’s work, and it is indeed a prestigious honour to have Ken’s career highlighted in this new book.
“Fundraising is very personal for me. I once spent a week tapping into different parts of our community. On Tuesday, I was at a church talking to people. On Thursday, I was at a Gurdwara, a Sikh temple, explaining my cause. On Friday, I was with the Portuguese community. On Saturday, I was at a mosque. And on Sunday, I celebrated the Chinese New Year. It was a great week because in a world that often feels so divided, I experienced an understanding, not just through words, but through deeds, that giving was important. I don’t even recall how much we raised – I don’t think it was an enormous amount of money – but it was very rewarding to realize that people from all walks of life were united in a common purpose: the need to have quality health care close to home,” says Ken in the book.
AFP Canada extends our congratulations to Ken on this well-deserved recognition and thanks him for his ongoing leadership in in the philanthropic sector.
Congratulations Ken!