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06 Jan 2021
FRANÇAIS Currently the Acting Vice President of Leadership Giving at Canadian Cancer Society, Sofia Janmohamed, MBA, CFRE, has 20 years of experience...
06 Jan 2021
FRANÇAIS Ken Mayhew is one of the best-known fund development professionals in Canada. He spent more than 20 years as the chief development officer at...
06 Jan 2021
ENGLISH Actuellement la vice présidente par intérim des dons exemplaires à la Société canadienne du cancer, Sofia Janmohamed, MBA, CFRE, cumule 20 ans...
16 Dec 2020
FRANÇAIS In addition to being president and CEO of Stephen Thomas Ltd, Paula Attfield is a longtime member of the Association of Fundraising...
16 Dec 2020
FRANÇAIS Vivian Smith, CFRE (pictured bove), has been sitting on the Technical Issues Working Group (TIWG) of the CRA on behalf of AFP for almost a...
16 Dec 2020
ENGLISH Vivian Smith, CFRE, a siégé au sein du Groupe de travail sur les questions techniques de l’Agence du revenu du Canada au nom de l’AFP pendant...
02 Dec 2020
FRANÇAIS We are delighted that Canadian members offered their overwhelming support for the 2021 AFP Canada Board of Directors. Congratulations to the...
25 Nov 2020
FRANÇAIS For the first time in AFP’s 60-year history, two Canadians will receive Distinguished Fellow designations. No Canadian has ever received this...
05 Nov 2020
FRANÇAIS TO: AFP Members in Canada FROM: Scott Decksheimer, CFRE, chair, AFP Canada Nominating Committee The Nominating Committee of the Association...
21 Oct 2020
FRANÇAIS When the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) made 94 recommendations in 2015, none of them was related to charities or...
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