Nonprofit Software Firm Keela to Join Fundraising Effectiveness Project

New Partner Will Add More Data, New Perspectives to Help Charities in Their Fundraising
(Arlington, Va.) The Fundraising Effectiveness Project (FEP), a collaboration among fundraising data providers, researchers, analysts, associations and consultants to help charities track giving trends and raise more funds, is proud to welcome a new partner, Keela, a nonprofit-focused software company based in Vancouver, B.C.
“It is such an honor to be part of the amazing initiative and work of the Fundraising Effectiveness Project,” said Nejeed Kassam, CEO of Keela. “Here at Keela, we believe that it is the responsibility of everyone in the sector to come together to make it stronger, and this is why supporting the FEP is so important to us.”
The FEP, administered by the Association of Fundraising Professionals Foundation for Philanthropy in collaboration with GivingTuesday, is best known for its quarterly and annual reports that examine key fundraising metrics and serve as benchmarks for nonprofit executives, development staff and researchers. FEP data and reports are found at and in a free online dashboard available at
“The accuracy and precision of our work is predicated on the strength of our data, and Keela adds an additional perspective from both the American and Canadian fundraising environments,” said Jon Biedermann, chair of the Fundraising Effectiveness Project and president and CEO of The Biedermann Group. “All of us involved in the FEP are looking forward to working with Keela and expanding the work of our project to help charities with their fundraising that ultimately helps build community around the world.”
The FEP’s 2021 First Quarter Fundraising Report found that the number of donors in the U.S. grew by a projected 10% from the first quarter of 2020 compared to the first quarter of 2019, while the retention of new donors grew by 13.6% over the same time period. However, the strong growth in giving and the number of donors wasn’t seen across the board by all organizations, with some subsectors seeing anemic growth and even decreases.
“It’s that sort of data that is so important for fundraisers and the charitable sector,” said Kassam. “With over 200 trillion gigabytes of information expected to make up our dataverse by 2025, these data points will, and continue to, offer nonprofit organizations an opportunity to inform and shape their decision-making for the better. And the better their decision-making, the more impact on our communities we’ll see. We believe in the power of data and the continuing education of the sector on how to leverage it. This is why Keela is so thrilled to be a part of this incredible solution.”
About Keela
Keela is a nonprofit-focused software company on the cutting edge of innovation in the sector. Our mission is to serve and support every organization that is empowering positive change. We are the first affordable, nonprofit specific CRM platform to provide intelligent tools and guided decision making, helping nonprofit professionals make enlightened decisions based on their data so they can work more effectively. Keela is officially certified as a B-Corp. This means we’re always prioritizing people over profit and never forgetting our commitment to the communities in which we operate.
About the Fundraising Effectiveness Project
The Fundraising Effectiveness Project publishes quarterly and annual reports that examine key fundraising metrics, serving as a benchmark for nonprofit executives, development staff and researchers. The Fundraising Effectiveness Project and the Growth in Giving database are both administered by the Association of Fundraising Professionals Foundation for Philanthropy in collaboration with GivingTuesday.
The Growth in Giving database is the world’s largest public record of donation activity, with more than 204 million donation transactions, and is continuously updated by leading fundraising software thought leaders (in alphabetical order) Bloomerang, DonorPerfect, Keela and NeonCRM. Additional partners include the 7th Day Adventists, The Biedermann Group, DataLake Nonprofit Research, and DonorTrends (a division of EveryAction). For more information and how you or your fundraising software provider can participate, please visit