AP Perspectives: Scott Fortnum, CFRE, ACFRE

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Scott Fortnum, CFRE, ACFRE

Scott Fortnum is president and CEO of Children’s Health Foundation in London, Ontario, and has worked as a professional fundraiser since 1990. As staff and consultant, he has worked with major organizations across Canada, including universities, hospitals and national nonprofits.

Scott has been an instructor at a number of colleges and universities in Canada and the United States. He is a frequent speaker throughout Canada and the United States, and was the first Canadian to earn a Master of Arts degree in Philanthropy and Development from Saint Mary's University of Minnesota. He has held the Certified Fundraising Executive designation continuously since 1995 and became the 92nd person to earn the ACFRE designation in 2011. He joined the ACFRE Certification Board in 2014 and served as chair in 2018 and 2019.

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