The Charitable Act
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Contact Congress in Support of the Charitable Act
Use the form below to send an email to your Member of Congress, asking them to lend their support to the Charitable Act. Read more about the Charitable Act below the form.
Thank you for your time and outreach to support this important legislation.
The bipartisan Charitable Act (S. 317/H.R. 801) proposes to retore and expand the charitable deduction for non-itemizers for two years. It would set the cap at approximately $5,000 for individuals or $10,000 for joint filers, providing additional incentive for charitable giving. This will help the more than 90% of Americans that don’t itemize and take the standard deduction.
Learn what’s happening with the universal charitable deduction and how you can take action to see it signed into law!
- Giving USA 2023: Help Stop Individual Giving Declines (July 1, 2024)
- AFP Positioned as Leader in Washington, DC on Charitable Giving (February 26, 2024)
- Lend Your Support to the Charitable Act (May 22, 2023)
- AFP Supports Charitable Act to Incentivize Giving (March 2, 2023)