Advancing Philanthropy

AFP's flagship membership magazine with a quarterly print version and a growing collection of online-only content to help members succeed!
AP Jan 2025 cover

January 2025: Meeting Challenges Head On

Are we engaging our donors and earning their trust? Does our storytelling truly share our organization's mission? We know what we want to do to galvanize our fundraising practice, but how do we actually do it? In the January issue, we tackle the fundraising challenges you face every day, offering practical and tactical advice to meet the challenge of implementation. Plus, Birgit Smith Burton reflects on her racial equity work during her two years as chair of the AFP Global Board and Roger Ali, AFP's 2025-2026 board chair, shares how his past experiences will shape his goals for his term.

man holding glasses

AP Perspectives

Have you heard? A community of voices known as the AP Writers Corps is peopling our online content with new ideas, visions, and ways to work together. 

Latest Advancing Philanthropy Issues

Advancing Philanthropy Issue
Advancing Philanthropy Issue
Advancing Philanthropy Issue
Advancing Philanthropy Issue
Advancing Philanthropy Issue
Advancing Philanthropy Issue
Advancing Philanthropy Issue
Advancing Philanthropy Issue
Advancing Philanthropy Issue

About Advancing Philanthropy

Advancing Philanthropy is the idea, inspiration, and strategy magazine for fundraisers working in all sectors. Published quarterly by AFP for more than a quarter century, this award-winning magazine provides in-depth reporting, expert opinion, and powerful imagery, as well as opportunities for readers to see themselves as key actors central to the stories that are told.

Members personally benefit from Advancing Philanthropy’s comprehensive advice on how to do a better job — every issue features numerous practical applications, how-to articles, new research, career advice, and tips and ideas from peers in the fundraising profession.  By sharing current events, first-person stories, issue briefs, expert analysis of trends affecting the sector, and other cutting-edge information, tools, and resources, Advancing Philanthropy helps AFP members and allies forge ahead — while advancing the fundraising profession.

Please note: 

  • AFP members automatically gain access to the web-based digital version of Advancing Philanthropy as a member benefit when they join the association.
  • Collegiate, Global and Alliance members do not receive the print version of the magazine, but can access the web-based digital magazine. 
  • Members are invited to submit story ideas, graphics, and photographs on a freelance basis.

Subscriptions and Reprint Requests

Advancing Philanthropy helps fundraisers at every practice level succeed at their jobs and advance professionally.


AFP members will automatically receive the quarterly print magazine as a member benefit. Additional member subscriptions and nonmember subscriptions are also available:

  • AFP member extra subscription: US$80 per year, U.S. and International
  • Nonmember one-year (four issues) subscription: US$100 – U.S. / US$125 – International
  • Nonmember two-year (eight issues) subscription: US$165 – U.S. / US$215 – International

Subscribe today by completing the subscription form and emailing it to

Reprint Requests

To request permission to reprint Advancing Philanthropy articles, contact

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