Advancing Philanthropy July 2023

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Advancing Philanthropy July 2023 The People of AFP
AFP isn't just an association--it's a community of people bound by the idea that working together, we can create impact that changes the world! This issue features a conversation between one of AFP's
Distinguished Fellows, our 2023 Outstanding Young Professionals and the Outstanding Fundraising Professional. Also, AFP members share their best advice, inspire you with their favorite stories of giving , and give up their secrets to fundraising success. As new donors decline How can nonprofits maximize giving? data from the Fundraising Effectiveness Project can help!
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Articles in this issue

01 Jul 2023 Advancing Philanthropy
01 Jul 2023 Advancing Philanthropy
01 Jul 2023 Advancing Philanthropy
01 Jul 2023 Advancing Philanthropy
01 Jul 2023 Advancing Philanthropy
01 Jul 2023 Advancing Philanthropy
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