AFP Chapter Lobby Week 2025 - June 16-20

Get ready for AFP’s fifth annual Chapter Lobby Week, June 16-20, 2025.
AFP Global is asking all U.S. chapters to visit at least one member of Congress and/or their staff during the week of June 16, virtually or in-person.
We encourage all chapters to have a government relations chair or other board member in place who can help lead this effort on the chapter level.
To help you prepare, AFP has created a Q&A overview document and a comprehensive chapter toolkit that covers everything from scheduling meetings to post-Lobby Week follow-up.
Have a meeting scheduled? Fill out this form to let us know, so we can follow up with you after Lobby Week to see how it went!
2024 Resources (2025 resources coming soon!)
- Chapter Lobby Week Toolkit (Everything you need to schedule, hold and follow up on a successful meeting, step by step!)
- Chapter Lobby Week Meeting Slides (For use in your meetings)
- Promote Lobby Week on social media: Sample Graphics and Text
- Q&A Overview Document (Frequently asked questions)
- Hashtag – Use #afplobbyweek when you’re posting messages and pics from your meetings on social media during AFP Virtual Lobby Week
- Talking Points on the Charitable Act
- We’ll be holding virtual “office hours” with AFP's lobbyist on June 24 and July 15 from 1-2 p.m. ET, where you can ask any and all questions about meetings and receive updates on key issues. If you need the office hours dial-in information, please reach out to David Sigman at
- Lobby Week Orientation Slides (Review prior to your meetings)
- Lobby Week Orientation Recording
- Sample Template Press Release, to highlight your chapter’s participation in Chapter Lobby Week
- Giving USA 2023 Results: Charitable Act Impact on Individual Giving
- AFP 2024 Fact Sheet
- AFP Code of Ethics
AFP Global staff is happy to set up a meeting one-on-one to discuss any issues and questions you may have regarding Lobby Week. Contact anytime!
Thanks for your leadership to AFP and for your engagement with this important event!