Guides & Resources

AFP Daily: The 5 Things You Need to Know in Fundraising This Week

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AFP Weekly
July 26, 2024
In case you missed it! Here are the top five things you need to know in fundraising this week.

Grant Writing
1. Grant Research and Writing Tips and Skills
Webinar: Join AFP on August 7 at 1 p.m. ET for this webinar where you will learn how to fine-tune your grant research process and write award-winning proposal narratives. The session is presented by Dr. Beverly A. Browning, author of 47 grants-related publications. (AFP Members receive $30 off premium webinar registration.)

Association Trends

Member Benefits
2. How to Innovate Your Donor Benefits Program
AFP Connect Discussion: "Has anyone implemented an innovative donor benefit they would be willing to share? What benefits have you implemented to recognize long term donors (retention) and multi-year pledges (moves management)." (Available Exclusively to AFP Members)

3. How to Hire Top Talent (and Retain Them!) 
Micro-Learning Video: In this micro-learning video, Shannon Bowen shares a preview of her AFP LEAD session, How to Hire Top Talent (and Retain Them!). We discuss the top factors contributing to the high turnover rate in fundraising, generational differences in retention, and retention strategies beyond pay increases, such as the ability to work remotely. To learn more about this topic, join us for AFP LEAD in St. Louis, October 16-18. Watch the Video
Session Spotlight Gif

4. Upcoming Educational Opportunities
  • AFP Complimentary Webinar: Handling Donor Objections: Getting to Yes (July 31) Register Now
  • AFP Deep Dive: CFRE Refresher Virtual Course (August 20, 22, 27 & 29) Register Now

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5. How to Use AI to Grow Midlevel Giving
Midlevel donors don’t always get the love they deserve. This loyal and often overlooked segment of donors represents a significant opportunity for revenue growth and impact if stewarded effectively, yet many nonprofits fail to strategically engage middle tier donors beyond building a pipeline for major gifts. (The Engage Blog)

Executive Leadership
Want to see more featured fundraising jobs?
Sign up for the bi-weekly AFP Career Center Job Flash, providing 30-40 new job postings each issue! 
Follow the AFP Career Center on Twitter to see top fundraising jobs as they get posted.



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Association of Fundraising Professionals
4200 Wilson Blvd., Suite 480, Arlington, VA 22203
Telephone: 800-666-3863
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