Member Code of Conduct

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The Member Code of Conduct, Board approved in April 2024, is not enforceable until January 2025.

The AFP Member Code of Conduct Committee created a total of eight ad hoc work groups to help update AFP’s educational resources, including interpretative guidelines and case examples, as they relate to the new Member Code of Conduct.

These resources will be uploaded to our website by December 2024.


Revised Draft October 6, 2023 – IDEA Committee Workgroup
Revised Draft March 11, 2024 – Member Fair Behavior Policy Task Force 
Board Approved – April, 2024


In pursuit of its mission to empower individuals and organizations to practice ethical fundraising through professional education, networking, research and advocacy, the Association of Fundraising Professionals strives to create an environment where its members can interact with professionalism, appropriateness, and inclusivity.  The following policy articulates AFP's values and expectations for acceptable and appropriate behavior between members at both the local chapter and global association level and identifies prohibited conduct.  Members are defined as an individual or organization that joins AFP's membership, based upon criteria and standards adopted by the Global Board, and is in good standing. By adhering to this policy, members contribute to a vibrant community of learning and development.  This policy reflects and reinforces AFP’s stated Guiding Principles, the Code of Ethical Standards, and AFP’s Statement of IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access) Principles.

This Code governs member conduct at all AFP events and in connection with all AFP roles and activities, including AFP meetings and conferences, and in-person, telephonic, or online meetings or interactions among or between AFP members, or any activities of AFP volunteers in connection with their roles for AFP. AFP members must also comply with the AFP Code of Ethical Standards.

AFP expects all members to interact and foster an environment that exhibits and reinforced the Association’s stated Guiding Principles and AFP’s Statement of IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access) Principles of welcoming and supporting a diversity of individuals, viewpoints, and experiences, creating atmospheres of collaboration, partnership, and creativity, and championing trust, courage, and integrity.

AFP prohibits the following behaviors, which include, but are not limited to:

  • Abusive, discriminatory, derogatory, or demeaning speech or actions by anyone subject to this policy at or in relation to the live or virtual events sponsored by AFP or other AFP-related activities;
  • Harassing behavior such as: offensive verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, national origin, gender identity, disability, or other demographic characteristics of members or volunteers;
  • Inappropriate use of nudity and/or sexual images at AFP-sponsored spaces or events;
  • Deliberate intimidation, including virtual or in-person stalking;
  • Yelling at or threatening speakers, members, staff, or volunteers in connection with AFP events or activities;
  • Sustained disruption of talks or other events; 
  • Physical contact that is uninvited and, in the situation, inappropriate, and unwelcome or coercive sexual attention; Persisting in behavior directed at another after being informed the behavior is unwelcome or offensive; and/or Retaliation against individuals who raise conduct concerns.

Enforcement of this Policy 

Members that are subjected to, or have observed/witnessed, violations of this policy at any AFP program or activity at the local, regional, chapter or AFP global level should promptly report the matter according to the Member Code of Conduct Committee.

In the event the Global AFP President & CEO and/or Global AFP Board Chair have committed an offense, the Member Code of Conduct Committee will create a special independent reviewing body.

To initiate a complaint, complete the form here (web address).  Complainants must include contact information, identification of the offending individual, a description of the incident, including the date and circumstances of the alleged violation; and a statement explaining any relevant prior interactions or professional or personal relationship that the person filing has with the offender(s) named in the complaint.

It is advisable for anyone submitting a complaint or allegation to keep notes on the names of potential witnesses.

The complainant must sign a statement that: I authorize AFP to contact me regarding this complaint, if deemed necessary. I authorize AFP to release this complaint and all other supporting material I have provided or may provide in the future to the subject of the complaint, members of the AFP Member Code of Conduct Committee, AFP’s governing bodies and staff as appropriate to address the incident, AFP’s attorneys and others as deemed appropriate by AFP or as required by law.

  • The Member Code of Conduct Committee will review the allegations in the formal written complaint and determine whether the complaint, on its face, alleges a violation of AFP’s Member Code of Conduct Code. AFP has the sole discretion to determine which complaints should be pursued, how they should be pursued, and what action, if any, should be taken. If the alleged violations relate to conduct that occurred outside of AFP events, AFP may, in its sole discretion, defer review of or action on the complaint unless and until the allegations have been investigated by a third-party entity with jurisdiction over the actions and greater investigative authority than AFP, such as the member’s employer or a court.
  • If the determination is that the allegations described in the complaint do not constitute a violation of applicable AFP policies, no further action will be taken and the complainant will be informed of this determination.
  • If the determination is that the formal written complaint alleges conduct in violation of this Code, the Member Code of Conduct Committee will also forward the complaint to the accused at the address(es) AFP has on file for the accused, unless the Committee determines that consideration of the complaint should be deferred.
  • The accused may submit a written response to the complaint within 30 days after the date of the Committee’s notification.

In all investigations, the Association will maintain confidentiality consistent with a fair and just investigation and resolution in enforcing this policy.

During the pendency of a complaint investigation, a complainant may request that AFP provide protections from harassment, discrimination, or bullying at AFP activities. Such actions may include but are not limited to: barring the accused from an AFP activity at which the complainant is present, or providing the complainant with an escort during AFP events.

If the Committee determines the accused has violated this Code, AFP may issue sanctions up to and including reprimand, censure, suspension, and/or, to the extent consistent with the bylaws and other governing documents, revocation of AFP membership. Other disciplinary actions may follow as deemed appropriate.

Violation of the standards may also subject the member to disciplinary sanctions as provided in the AFP Ethics Enforcement Procedures.

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