AFP, NY Hudson-Mohawk: Capital Region Fundraising Day Virtual

Capital Region Fundraising Day

September 15, 2020
8:45 am - 3:00 pm

The event link will be the week of the virtual conference.

Early Bird Pricing through August 30, 2020
AFP and Gift Planning Group Members

Standard Prices
AFP and Gift Planning Group Members:


Capital Region Fundraising Day is the largest conference for fundraising professionals in our community. The day is full of professional development, networking, and collaboration with industry peers and community supporters alike.

Whether you've made your career as a fundraiser, or are new to the field, join us for this insightful, exciting, and energizing day to celebrate the work we all do to advance the mission of so many great causes in the Capital Region.


8:45 am - 9:00 am
Welcome by AFP, NY Hudson-Mohawk Leadership

9:00 am - 10:30 am
Keynote Address
Speaker: Simone Joyaux, ACFRE, Adv Dip, FAFP
Topic: Your Board and Your Board Members
Revamp. Rebuild. Restructure. And if necessary . . . fire!

Workshop Description: Let’s talk about revamping your current board. We’ll focus on how to rebuild a board. Or maybe restructure the board. And when there’s nothing left to do…let’s look at those board members that don’t add value – and even cause icky problems. But one BIG caution! Make sure you’ve looked in the mirror first. Because maybe you don’t know enough about governance – the collective and the individual – to help board members and governance well. Maybe you haven’t helped them be good enough because you don’t know enough. And if you’re highly knowledgeable about governance – and have tried your hardest to enable good performance and behavior… Well then…Maybe Massachusetts Keith is haunting you and your organization. So yes, fire him!

10:30 am - 11 am

11 am - 12 pm
Plenary Workshop
Speaker: Denise Barreto
Workshop Title: Bring Your Brave Face, We’re Talking Race, Equity and Inclusion in Fundraising
Workshop Description: 21st Century fundraising call for 21st Century relationship skills. This interactive session will challenge what you think you know about how to engage different groups in your fundraising efforts. Through facilitated discussion, self-discovery challenges, and limited prepared content, our facilitator will push you to confront and manage bias in your life and equip you with language and skills to be a more inclusive fundraiser right away.

Learning objectives:

Build basic language skills around diversity equity and inclusion
Develop emotional fortitude to talk about sensitive topics in a direct and open way.
Immediately build confidence to broaden traditional methods of fundraising into more inclusive innovative techniques.
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
Lunch Break

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Afternoon Workshop in Partnership with the Gift Planning Group of Northeastern NY
Speaker: Cindy McDonald, Direction of National Philanthropy, Key Private Bank
Workshop Title: How to be a Trust and Charitable Gift Annuity Superstar with no Experience Working with Professionals to Maximize Donor Giving

1:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Afternoon Break

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Closing Workshop
Workshop Title: Creative Solutions and Practices as we pivot, shift, adapt and change as nonprofit professionals, leaders, and fundraisers
Jennifer Lawrence, Founder & CEO, SEAT Center
Starletta Smith, Executive Director, YWCA of the Greater Capital Region
Elizabeth Sobol, President & CEO, Saratoga Performing Arts Center
David Jacobsen, CEO, Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Capital Region
Workshop Description: How do we shift our services and programs to meet the needs of our community members? How do we communicate openly and thoughtfully with our donors, partners, and colleagues? How do we stay connected to our major donors? Ensure our staff is thriving? And under this new and ever-changing environment, fundraise, secure gifts, and maintain our composure under enormous pressure? Hear from local nonprofit leaders and learn about their organization's adaptability and successes.

3:00 PM
Closing Remarks and Wrap-Up by AFP, NY Hudson-Mohawk Leadership


Laurie Ballard

+1 518-774-0886

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