Advancing Philanthropy

AFP Chapter Spotlight: AFP Western Maryland Chapter

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Laura McCullough, president, AFP Western Maryland Chapter
Laura McCullough, president, AFP Western Maryland Chapter

Chapter name?

Western Maryland

Why did your chapter feel compelled to include salary ranges within job descriptions?

We felt it was important to follow the lead of the AFP Global and take a stand on the importance of pay equity through the transparency of disclosing salary ranges within job descriptions.

How does this practice promote equity in the sector?

It helps eliminate discrimination to ensure effective recruitment and will ultimately lead to retaining more diverse employees.

From your perspective, what are the benefit of including salary ranges in job descriptions?

It helps minimize racial and gender bias, attracts the appropriate skill level of candidates, and gives information the potential candidate is seeking which could make the recruitment and hiring process easier for everyone involved.  

What has the response been since making the change and was it easy to implement in your Chapter?

For those who have not included it in their descriptions, when we share that it is a requirement for us to post the position, not only do they add it, but it gives us an opportunity to educate them. It is creating a space for important conversations that may not have happened if we didn’t have this policy in place.

What would you say to organizations and other AFP chapters who are considering requiring salary ranges within job descriptions?

Do it! It is the right thing to do and helps create a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable work force within your organization and the sector.

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