AFP News

AFP Leaders Attend White House Meeting on Charitable Giving

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White House Meeting

Last week, AFP President & CEO, Mike Geiger, MBA, CPA and Fundraising Effectiveness Project Chair, Ben Miller, visited the White House for a roundtable discussion on charitable giving with a few other sector leaders representing some of the largest nonprofits in the country. 

During the meeting, Mike and Ben provided key data from the Fundraising Effectiveness Project in support of the Charitable Act (S. 566/H.R. 3435), bipartisan legislation that would reinstate and expand the Universal Charitable Deduction. The bill would incentivize giving again for the 90 percent of individuals and joint filers who do not itemize their taxes. 

The data, which demonstrated an increase in $300 gifts while the Universal Charitable Deduction was in effect and a decline once allowed to expire at the end of 2021, was well received by key Administration staff in attendance. The meeting attendees included senior advisors to the president, including former Mayor Stephen Benjamin, director of the White House Office of Public Engagement (OPE). 

AFP and fellow Charitable Giving Coalition Steering Committee members hope that the meeting will inspire the White House to support this legislative effort. The bill already has significant support in both the House and Senate.

White House Meeting

AFP is asking our members to demonstrate their support for this legislation by signing on to the Charitable Giving Coalition’s letter, which will be sent to Congressional leaders in conjunction with GivingTuesday later this month. A similar letter earlier this year was signed by over 500 national, state, and local nonprofits from all 50 states. AFP’s goal is to double the number of nonprofits signing on to this letter that has a deadline of this Friday, November 17. 

Members can also advocate for the bill by using the quick, easy-to-use form on the AFP website to send an email to their Members of Congress, asking them to lend their support to the Charitable Act.

Thank you for helping AFP and our partners in our efforts to pass the Charitable Act and incentivize more charitable giving!


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