AFP Member Spotlight: Dwayne Ashley

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‘32 years later, this work still moves me’

Dwayne AshleyDwayne Ashley joined AFP in 1991, about the same time that he started work as a fundraiser. Ashley is founder and CEO of Bridge Philanthropic Consulting (BPC) LLC in New York, where he oversees global strategy, growth, development, and new product development.

When asked what he loves about his current job, Ashley says, “being an innovator, working with great clients, and helping to prepare the next generation of diverse sector leaders.”

Ashley recently agreed to chat a bit about his career and his organization.

AFP: Tell us a little about your career. Did you start out as a fundraiser?

DA: I fundraised in college for the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) but didn’t consider it as a profession, as it wasn’t an amplified industry at that time. After graduation, my goal was to work for UNCF. Although I interviewed with their team, I couldn’t secure a position given my lack of professional experience.

A family friend would later introduce me to my future mentor, Sylvia Brooks, an executive at the United Way of Greater Houston and eventual CEO of the Houston Area Urban League. I interviewed with United Way’s Resource Development team and was hired as an associate fundraiser where I was provided the tools to become an effective fundraiser and cultivator. Although that was my first role in the industry, I knew I had found my passion. And 32 years later, this work still moves me.

AFP: Why did you decide to get involved with the boards of your local AFP chapters? Why was that important to you?

DA: Involvement in my local chapter was important because I needed a community to help gain a deeper understanding of the sector and wanted to broaden my network. The chapters were filled with practitioners and inspiring leaders who provided me with guidance, advice, and counsel to chart a career path.

AFP: You’ve just gotten involved with a big project with AFP Global and its leadership development program. Tell us a little bit about that.

DA: We are thrilled to partner with Carter Global on AFP’s leadership training and development program. As we look to the future of the sector, a diverse leadership pipeline is a critical key to our success. The future leaders will have a program that is supportive, flexible, and designed to address their needs in a world that is rapidly changing and becoming more engrossed with technology.

AFP: You’ve written several books about fundraising and other issues. What inspired you to write? What do you love about writing?

DA: Writing is therapeutic for me and provides an outlet to share the knowledge I’ve acquired throughout my career. It’s my goal to create accessible pathways for my books to reach diverse audiences and amplify the experiences of my culture through my writings. Although we have shared experiences, our unique cultural context adds nuance to our individual life experiences.

AFP: What are you most proud of in your career at this point—key accomplishments, achievements, etc.?

DA: My proudest yet most challenging endeavor was launching a full-service fundraising firm, which required me to lean into all my years of industry experience given the hurdles that come with starting a new business. A clear vision is needed to create a firm that can sustain the pitfalls of a start-up, but six years in BPC is thriving and continuing to create change in the world.

Be open to change—it is a constant—and run toward the things you fear the most.

As a Black-owned firm, we had to disrupt the industry, and we do that through our approach of speaking to systemic issues and supporting clients who have historically been underfunded due to limited capacity. We bring a cultural understanding and do not judge but see it as a sense of duty to help the communities who need it most. My team and I are proud of the work we perform every day.

AFP: You must have some secrets, or just tried-and-true pieces of wisdom, that work for you. Care to share any?

DA: You must believe in what you are doing—be authentic in your work as a fundraiser, professional, consultant, and entrepreneur. It’s that authentic spirit that will inspire you to keep pushing on during days when you feel stressed or stuck. I guarantee that if you are relentless in your commitment to excellence and output, you will be successful, fulfilled, and happy with the results.

AFP: What’s the most challenging issue the profession faces right now?

DA: Sustaining a diverse talent pipeline for our sector is the issue plaguing the industry right now. We must provide support for leaders to grow and feel prepared as the industry transitions from boomers to Generation X and Millennials.

AFP: What’s the best career advice you’ve ever received?

DA: Be open to change—it is a constant—and run toward the things you fear the most. If it makes you uncomfortable, it is probably where you need to be.

AFP: What does the future of the sector look like to you?

DA: The future looks bright, but we must adapt to the new paradigm for fundraising, cultivation, and stewardship. The sector must continue to embrace the changing demographics of the donor base.

AFP: How do you manage to balance your personal and professional life? What do you like to do to relax?

DA: At some point, you recognize that you are not going to die from challenges, so I work hard to focus on solutions and what is next. I read a lot, music is a constant for me, and traveling is my window to the world.

AFP: Any fundraising books that you’d recommend (or speakers who inspire you or make you think)?

DA: Developing Your Case for Support by Margaret Guellich and Linda Lysakowski. It’s a quick read and practical guide for building an impactful case for support. Also, Conducting a Successful Capital Campaign by Kent E. Dove.

AFP: Last book read (or show you’re watching, binge-watching, or otherwise)?

DA: Book: Shoe Dog by Phil Knight. TV: Harlem. It’s a great, entertaining show about Harlem culture.

AFP: What do you want to do in your life that you haven’t done yet?

DA: Building my firm into a diverse multi-billion-dollar enterprise that not only provides consulting services but is a leader in creating products that support the sector.

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