AFP News

National Philanthropy Day 2018

Fundraising Strategies: Fundraising Basics
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National Philanthropy Day® (NPD) is a special day set aside to recognize and pay tribute to the great contributions that philanthropy – and those people active in the philanthropic community – have made to our lives, our communities and our world.

NPD was first celebrated in 1986. This year, more than 100 NPD events, involving over 50,000 people across North America, will take place. These events include award ceremonies, galas, luncheons, seminars and other special events.  In Canada, AFP represents over 3,500 charitable fundraisers in 20 chapters across Canada.

As part of National Philanthropy Day®, both individuals and organizations are honoured for their outstanding charitable work in their local communities.

This year, AFP has developed talking points about NPD in both English and French.

In this quick snapshot, three National Philanthropy Day Chapter Chairs from western Canada share some thoughts on the events being held in their community and the reasons for this important day of celebration.

AFP BC, Vancouver Island Chapter

On Vancouver Island, we are pleased to be hosting three sessions for the community aimed at acknowledging the many diverse and unique ways philanthropy is demonstrated. Our morning will start with a session for approximately 150 youth who will hear a special presentation about what it means to connect with your values to create the world we know is possible. Thanks to an incredibly kind donor, each youth participant will walk away with a $100 Canada Helps Gift Card to practice putting their values and philanthropy into action!  In the afternoon, we will hold a masterclass session for fundraisers, board members and volunteers who will reflect on the heartfelt passion required to create social change, and then we will wrap up the day with our NPD Awards highlighting the bold and inspiring philanthropists who have made a tremendous impact this year. - Jessica Bell, National Philanthropy Day Chair

AFP BC, Greater Vancouver Chapter

The 21st annual National Philanthropy Day Luncheon and Giving Hearts Awards was held on Wednesday, November 7th, 2018 with nearly 700 of Vancouver’s philanthropists, nonprofit and business leaders, and fundraising professionals in attendance. This year we were thrilled to welcome Chief Dr. Robert Joseph, O.B.C., O.C., as our keynote speaker. Currently the ambassador for Reconciliation Canada and an honourary witness to Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Chief Joseph is a true peace builder. He has dedicated his life to bridging the differences brought about in society by intolerance, lack of understanding and racism, at home and abroad. 

All citizens play an important role in building healthy communities, and at the National Philanthropy Day Luncheon, we focus on the essential role philanthropy plays in building the vibrant communities in which we live, work, and play. Many individuals and organizations make outstanding contributions of time, leadership, and financial support to countless nonprofit organizations, and recognizing and celebrating their generosity and kindness serves as an inspiration to others. - Heather Altas, National Philanthropy Day Chair

AFP SK, Regina Chapter

It is important to recognize local people who are active in philanthropy in our community for two reasons.  First, they are often too humble to talk about the incredible things they do, and it is a chance for us to put them in the spotlight for a moment, to recognize their philanthropy and say thank you.  The second reason we do this is to inspire others.  No matter how big or how small the gift of time, money or talent, the more we can share a donor's good deeds, the more we can inspire others.  It's a win-win for our community! - Nora Yeates, Chapter National Philanthropy Day Chair

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