Rolando Damian Rodriguez: Bounce Back Strong

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Rolando Damian Rodriguez, CFRE

It’s been a tough year and a maddening summer. But hopefully, we are past the middle of this crisis and nearer to the end.  

Do you remember what all the “experts” said about a vaccine when the pandemic first emerged in March? Many of our most well-meaning scientists (and a lot of talking heads) were citing the mumps vaccine as a 4-year record-setting accomplishment – and predicting 2 + years for a COVID vaccine. Does anyone still believe that’s an accurate timetable?

Let’s Get it Together

There’s plenty of reason to believe that a turnaround is coming. Obviously, it won’t be overnight, but what we could use right now is a bit of optimism and grounding.

I have had the privilege of working with a few great nonprofit groups this summer that kept moving forward, and here are some action steps that you should consider, if you haven’t already.

Create an Online Peer-to-Peer Campaign

I am currently working with a fabulous group that had its annual spring walkathon damaged by the pandemic. There was no time to react “properly,” and they had never done an online campaign before. But right now is the perfect time to reach out to all those annual supporters who were ready to give earlier in the year, and who didn’t have a chance to give. It’s the fourth online campaign I’ve helped launch this summer, all successful.  

There are wonderful software platforms out there, all competing and making it easy for organizations to learn and engage their supporters in 21st-century fundraising.

Have you given this a try? If not, you’ll be surprised.

Develop a Great Virtual Presentation

Asking for support should always be aided by a terrific presentation. The virtual world’s limits have made this even more critical – and you can turn it into a strength! I recently worked with an organization to develop a terrific multi-media campaign presentation for virtual use that includes 3-D renderings, emotional testimonials, and an interactive agenda. We realize this presentation has to be ultra-strong to make up for the lack of personal interaction. It must be better than ever.

When this pandemic is over, this production will be transformed for use in person – but it will be far more powerful than anything created by this organization in the past.  

Have You Updated Your Case?

Sometimes it’s hard to stop and determine if your mission and objectives are in need of a refresh. Don't you think some of your pre-COVID strategies might greatly improve with fresh ideas? If you read your case and mission and consider the world as it is now, you might find yours is out of date. This is a great time to discover new initiatives and innovative ways to re-address the mission and goals.   

Simple changes can lead to big results. Start by reading your case and materials and have others on your team do the same. You will probably be very surprised.

Clean Up Your Technology!

I find this is one of the most common areas of difficulty. A recent client hadn’t updated their systems and processes for years, and no one knew the pain points. But it’s been the perfect time to sit down and analyze software, protocols and new approaches.

An organization I worked with realized they were paying too much for too little, and they didn’t have many of the innovations developed in the last two or three years. You may be paying way more than you should for outdated legacy systems.  

This may seem rather boring, but as I often repeat and repeat – you can’t be effective if your data and communications systems are slow, expensive and clunky!

Update Your Website

Websites easily get stale and out of date. I recently reviewed a site that drove people to a page where visitors struggled to find a basic “Donate Now” page with a few boring, cliché choices. Oh, and the board and the staff lists were out of date, and the event page still listed old events. What is the first thing people do nowadays when they want to learn about your organization? You know the answer.   

This is a great time to update, and possibly, completely revamp. And here’s a tip: if it’s hard and expensive to do, you have an outdated system.

Find the Silver Linings

All of the world’s best minds are working on treatments and vaccines, with an unlimited pocketbook to find solutions. Every day it seems more likely that we see the light at the end of the tunnel by the end of the year, or maybe even sooner. Don’t believe me? Come on, let’s be optimistic and prepare. Why would you not?

There will be unprecedented demand, activity and relief as we all emerge from the biggest world-wide crisis any of us have ever experienced. Astonishing as it may now seem, there will be parties and drinking and celebrating, and a tremendous sense of gratitude and generosity.  

The world did not stop, and the need for progress, support and social entrepreneurship has not stopped either.

What are you doing about it today?

Author Information

Rolando Damien RodriguezRolando Damian Rodriguez, CFRE, is president of The Crosspoint Group. For more than 30 years, he has developed fundraising campaigns for humanitarian causes. Previously, he established one of the most successful public hospital foundations in the country, raising over $200 million and establishing the International Kids Fund to provide lifesaving care to children from all over the world.

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