AFP Webinar: Gala Game Plan: Ensuring Your Paddle Raise is Pre-Raised

1:00-2:00 PM Eastern | Presenter: Marcy Heim, CFRE, PLCC
Are you tired of the last-minute scramble to secure donations on the night of your gala? Join us for an insightful session sharing how to transforming your fundraising approach and secure pledges well in advance. Alleviate stress and for both your team and your donors, ensuring a smoother and more successful event.
Say goodbye to the chaos of last-minute fundraising and hello to a well-organized, impactful gala. Walk into your event with confidence, knowing that most of your paddle raise is already secured, allowing you to focus on building relationships and celebrating your mission with new supporters.
There’s JOY in giving AND living and Marcy Heim, CFRE, PLCC, and CEO of The Artful Asker, wants you to experience it! For 30+ years, leadership teams, boards, and fundraisers have benefited from Marcy’s coaching to increase transformational, multi-million, sustained generosity for their organizations. A Certified Speaking Professional, an AFP Master Trainer, a CASE Crystal Apple recipient, and an award-winning major-giving executive coach, Marcy delivers tools to set your intentions for personal and professional success.