AFP Webinar: Make 2023 the Year of Legacies

1:00-2:00 PM Eastern | Presenter: Ligia Peña, CFRE, MInstF, AFP Master Trainer
Eligible for 1 CFRE Education Point
THIS IS IT! No more procrastination, no more excuses, 2023 is THE year to get your legacy program off the ground or rebooted. Time to dust off that data, review your analytics, rejig your donor communications and revisit those engagement opportunities - we are going to do it all to make sure you start 2023 ready to conquer legacies. In this practical and action-packed session, we will cover everything you need to be examining to make sure you have all your ducks aligned to talk to donors about including a gift in their will for your charity.
Join AFP Master Trainer Ligia Peña, CFRE, MInstF, for an update on key principles in Legacy Planning.