
Complimentary Webinar Recording - Speaking Truth to Power: How to Prevent and Deal with Sexual Harassment in Fundraising

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Presenters: Dr. Megan LePere-Schloop and Dr. Erynn Beaton, Professors at the John Glenn College of Public Affairs at The Ohio State University

This session provides AFP members with training from Drs. Megan LePere-Schloop and Erynn Beaton, the authors of the recently released report Speaking Truth to Power in Fundraising: A Toolkit. The authors will provide a brief summary of the research findings and overview of the practical tools and resources available. The majority of the session will be spent engaging in a case scenario discussion for training purposes. Participants can expect to leave the session with a better understanding of sexual harassment in fundraising, action steps to address these issues, and the ability to facilitate one of the case scenarios included in the toolkit.

CFRE credit (1 point)

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