(POSTPONED) AFP Webinar: Leveraging Your Multigenerational Team: How to Recruit, Retain and Inspire for Maximum Fundraising Success

This session has been postponed.
1:00-2:00 PM Eastern | Presenter: Martha Schumacher, CFRE, ACFRE MInstF
Is your core team made up of staffers from more than one generation? Are you finding it challenging to attract certain generations? And once you bring them on board, are you able to keep them - and keep them happy?
Regardless of your title, join Martha for timely tips on how to manage and lead each generation, individually and together as a team. Take-aways will include topical information about what motivates and drives each generation...and about the perils of taking that data at face value.
Presenter: Martha Schumacher, CFRE, ACFRE MInstF
Martha H. Schumacher is a philanthropy ambassador, educator, coach, mentor, author and champion. She is President of Hazen Consulting and the Hazen Institute for Leadership Training (HILT), creating global strategies to elevate social impact and philanthropy. Martha has worked with and within nonprofit organizations for 25 years. Her most recent in-house adventure was leading the Defenders of Wildlife fundraising team for nine years, first as Director of Major Gifts, then Vice President for Development. Her current and recent clients include American University, Best Buddies International, The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, and National Geographic Society.
Martha is the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Global Immediate Past Chair, and previously served as AFP/DC Chapter President, named Outstanding Fundraising Professional by the chapter in 2006. Martha holds the International Advanced Diploma in Fundraising with Distinction, and the Certified Fund Raising Executive and Advanced Certified Fund Raising Executive credentials, respectively.