Advancing Philanthropy July 2021

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Advancing Philanthropy July 2021 magazine cover

Over the last year, fundraising—and the world in general—has had to have hard conversations about race, equity and equality, and what that looks like moving forward for the profession. The July 2021 issue of Advancing Philanthropy explores equity in fundraising and development, and the key elements needed to ensure everyone’s voice is heard, every need is met, and every challenge is addressed.

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Articles in this issue

01 Jul 2021 Advancing Philanthropy
01 Jul 2021 Advancing Philanthropy
01 Jul 2021 Advancing Philanthropy
01 Jul 2021 Advancing Philanthropy
01 Jul 2021 Advancing Philanthropy
01 Jul 2021 Advancing Philanthropy
01 Jul 2021 Advancing Philanthropy
01 Jul 2021 Advancing Philanthropy
01 Jul 2021 Advancing Philanthropy
01 Jul 2021 Advancing Philanthropy
01 Jul 2021 Advancing Philanthropy
01 Jul 2021 Advancing Philanthropy
01 Jul 2021 Advancing Philanthropy
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