AFP Saskatoon Chapter Event: How to be an ally with Indigenous peoples

In the wake of the shocking and heartbreaking discovery of unmarked graves in our province, Andre will speak to us in an informal Q & A session about how to truly show support for indigenous peoples.

He will discuss what it means to be an ethical ally to indigenous peoples and how first we must first develop trust and friendship through education and reconciliation.

Andre Letendre is Michif from Batoche, SK. He was a child of the 60s Scoop and grew up in Prince Albert. He is currently the Cultural System Advisor for the First Nations and Metis Health portfolio. Andre supports the northern team by advising leadership within SHA to ensure cultural responsiveness in policy, work standards, human resource, labor relations and understanding how to align services to meet the TRC Calls to Action in Health. Andre also provides ceremony, guidance on land acknowledgement, advising on First Nations & Métis engagement, program development and capital projects.


AFP Saskatoon Chapter


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