AFP Chapter Spotlight: AFP Las Vegas Chapter

AFP Las Vegas Chapter
In May, AFP held an in-person ICON for the first time in three years, and the Las Vegas chapter had the opportunity to serve as host—a first for the chapter. As host, they held the ICONic After Party, an event that now serves as one of the chapter’s key highlights. In this interview with Advancing Philanthropy, Emma Durant, president of the Las Vegas Chapter, shares more about her chapter and how they keep their membership engaged with various events and professional development opportunities.
When was your chapter established, and how many members does it have?
The AFP Las Vegas Chapter was founded in 1991, and we currently have approximately 100 members.
Does your chapter have professional development opportunities for members? If so, what is offered and when?
Yes, we do. We offer monthly programs most of which qualify for CFRE credit. We also conduct a CFRE Review Course or Fundamentals Course in alternating years, as well as multiple IDEA Conversations sessions throughout the year.
As we try to recruit younger professionals to fundraising, does your chapter do any specific work in attracting them? If so, what do you do?
In attracting younger members, we try to partner with other advocacy groups and associations like Young Nonprofit Professionals Network, the Marketing Association and other groups throughout our community.
In May, AFP held an in-person ICON for the first time in three years, and the Las Vegas chapter had the opportunity to serve as host—a first for the chapter.
Many chapters switched to virtual chapter events in the wake of the pandemic. Has your chapter returned to in-person events, and what has been the most exciting part?

hosted by the Las Vegas Chapter
Yes, we have returned to in-person events to a point. It’s great for our members to be able to network with others in our community. It has been so exciting to see in person attendance skyrocketing coming out of the pandemic, especially at events like National Philanthropy Day; a joint fundraising/marketing event with the American Marketing Association; a Meet the Funders Panel—Cannabis Industry and Philanthropy; and of course, AFP ICON 2022.
As we complete the last half of the year, what has been your chapter’s biggest accomplishment so far and what do you hope to accomplish in the next six months?
Our chapter has been focused on ICON and the ICONic After Party event for quite some time. ICON and the ICONic After Party have been the biggest source of pride for us as a chapter. What an amazing time! As we look at the next six months, we hope to focus on increasing our membership in the community.
What is your chapter’s biggest opportunity and biggest challenge?
Our biggest opportunity and our biggest challenge is membership. We hope that with new member events, joint collaborations with other local organizations and inspiring programming that our numbers will increase.

hosted by the Las Vegas Chapter
Tell me about your chapter’s Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access Program.
Our chapter is in the process of adopting an official IDEA charter. We have had an IDEA chair for two consecutive years and are planning a program and events this year to partner with other associations and nonprofit groups to recognize and celebrate the diversity in our community that contributes to our philanthropic sector, while also providing space for all fundraisers and philanthropists to feel welcome, included, and valued.
What advice would you give to other chapter leaders as they navigate a new fundraising world that has new requirements due to the pandemic?
I would ask them to provide resources to navigate the new world of philanthropy that is emerging—how to be flexible and aware.
What program are you most proud of?
We are so proud of the ICONic After Party and being the host chapter for AFP ICON 2022, marking the return to in-person conferences in a big way.
How do you show the value of AFP to your membership?
A part of every meeting is devoted to the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy’s Be the CAUSE campaign and our response, WHY? The IMPACT.