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AFP Foundation for Philanthropy–Canada Announces 2018-2019 Fellows

Career Development: Your Fundraising Career

August 14, 2018

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The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy–Canada is proud to announce the 2018-2019 Fellows in Diversity and Inclusion. The Fellowship program has expanded across Canada with a grant from Canadian Heritage.

Fellowship in Inclusion and Philanthropy logoThe goal of the program is to build the capacity of emerging fundraising leaders that reflect the diversity of our communities. To this end, the Fellowship will provide dedicated education, professional development and mentorship to 20 mid-level and emerging nonprofit professionals from across Canada, representing a wide range of cultural backgrounds and interests.

“To remain strong and vibrant, the Canadian nonprofit sector and the fundraising profession must reflect the changing nature of Canada and its citizens,” said Roger Ali, CFRE, chair of the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada. “I’m so excited about the Fellowship program because it brings together so many great new perspectives into the profession and the sector. These Fellows represent the future of our sector and, in many ways, our country, and we’re excited to be able to support them as they work to support all Canadians.”

Canadian Heritage and its portfolio organizations play a vital role in the cultural, civic and economic life of Canadians. Arts, culture and heritage represent $53.8 billion in the Canadian economy and more than 650,000 jobs in sectors such as film and video, broadcasting, music, publishing, archives, performing arts, heritage institutions, festivals and celebrations.

“All of us at AFP are grateful for the support of Canadian Heritage,” said Lori Gusdorf, executive director of the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada. “This next group of Fellows is posed to make a profound impact on the fabric of Canadian society and serve as leaders for the next generation of fundraisers and philanthropists.”

The Fellows will engage in inclusion-oriented education, specialized training, networking activities, one-on-one mentorship and professional contributions.  The Fellows will each work on an individual project focusing on diversity and inclusion in policy development within their organizations and/or the philanthropic sector.

"I am so excited and proud to have been selected as a Fellow in this program,” said Shared Khalil Guliwala, development officer, annual programs for The McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) Foundation in Montreal “Prejudice doesn't stop at doors of the charitable sector, and it impacts all parts of the donor-fundraiser-charity equation. The Fellowship is exactly what we need to combat this situation: it empowers fundraisers like me through training, mentorship, and peer support to enable and encourage Canadian charities to become aware of—and take steps to correct—the many lapses with diversity and inclusion."

The Fellows are:

Jonea Agwa
Communications and Fundraising Coordinator
Beautiful World Canada
Toronto, Ont.

Sarah Ali
Digital Strategist
Toronto, Ont.

Teresa Catalano
Development Associate, Corporate and Foundation Relations
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ont.

Caroline Chan
Development Manager
Canadian Art Foundation
Toronto, Ont.

Janet Fairbridge
Donor Relations Coordinator
Hospice Georgian Triangle
Collingwood, Ont.

Adrian Fernandes
Fund Development Manager
Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) Canada
Peterborough, Ont.

Stachen Frederick
Executive Director
Weston Frontlines Centre
Toronto, Ont.

Khalil Guliwala
Development Officer, Annual Giving
MUHC Foundation
Montreal, Que.

Alison Hughes
Development Officer, Annual Programs
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation
Toronto, Ont.

Zoya Islam
Writer and Communications Coordinator on the Development and Engagement Team
Ernestine's Women's Shelter
Toronto, Ont.

Fatou Jammeh
Development Officer, Community
Toronto, Ont.

Daniel H. Lanteigne
Directeur général, Fondation RÉA
Montreal, Que.

Kirstin Ling
Advancement Officer
Sunnybrook Foundation
Toronto, Ont.

Trevor Loke
Development Manager
Tides Canada Foundation
Vancouver, B.C.

Chryslyn Pais
Major Gifts Officer
Amnesty International
Toronto, Ont.

Isabel Perez-Doherty
Manager of Philanthropy and Strategic Impact
YWCA Canada
Toronto, Ont.

Sharon Redsky
Development Coordinator
Dakota Ojibway Child and Family Services
Winnipeg, Mani.

Shamina Senaratne
Events and Communications Coordinator, Development team
Surrey Food Bank
Port Moody, B.C.

Shobi Sivaraj
Annual Fund Advisor
CUSO International
Toronto, Ont.

Camila Vital Nunes Pereira, PhD
Account Manager, Revenue Team
Junior Achievement - JA Central Ontario
Toronto, Ont.

The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada is a registered charity which raises funds for educational programs (conferences, seminars, webinars) offered across the country; provides bursaries and scholarships to fundraisers to develop their professional capacities; funds and conducts research into fundraising and philanthropy in Canada; and encourages and promotes diversity and inclusion in philanthropy and the fundraising profession. Established in 1998, the Foundation has a history of promoting philanthropy and supporting the fundraising profession in Canada.

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