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AFP Member Spotlight: Bridgette Price, M.A.

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Bridgette Price

AFP Member Spotlights are a recurring series of interviews with AFP members, highlighting the unique individuals and career paths that exist within the fundraising profession. If you know an inspiring fundraising professional who deserves to be featured, please email

In this Member Spotlight, we interviewed Bridgette Price, M.A., manager of foundation relations at the Tax Foundation. She shared with us how she moved into the development field as a result of needing more resources for her organization during the pandemic. She is now extremely passionate about the transformational difference that fundraising results in. 

Q: How did you start your career in the fundraising profession and what led you there? 
A: When I obtained my undergraduate degree in public communications, I had my heart set on becoming a news anchor. Ironically, and possibly divinely, I did both of my internships for nonprofits in the healthcare arena and quickly changed my mind. I felt like I was making a difference, so I devoted my career to nonprofit work. The work we do in nonprofits is life-changing, and it’s where my passion lives.   

Like many of us, I fell into the fundraising profession. During the pandemic, I found myself navigating how to obtain additional resources for the organization I worked for. The development director announced her retirement and encouraged me to look into development as a career. She was a great cheerleader and advocate and asked me to attend a free grant writing course at the local library with her. This led to my returning to school to obtain my M.A. in grant writing, nonprofit management, and evaluation. I am so glad that I did!

Q: When and why did you decide to become an AFP member? 
A: I became an AFP member earlier this year with my organization. As a newer member of the fundraising community, I needed more tools to help me understand the fundamentals and best practices.  

Q: Are you doing anything innovative at your organization (or a past organization) that you think other fundraisers could benefit from?
A: Our work at the Tax Foundation is incredible, innovative, and very niche. We excel at reaching policymakers and educating them and the general public on tax policy through our robust educational platform, TaxEDU. The creativity required to reach our unique audience requires us to regularly think outside the box to meet people where they’re at. We aim to deliver the facts outside political rhetoric to foster independent decision-making.

Q: What is your favorite word? (only one word) How has this word influenced or inspired your career?
A: Transformational. I once had a donor ask how my organization has made a transformational impact on the community, which has stuck with me since. When thinking about the work that I am doing or the work that we do at the Tax Foundation, I like to consider how the potential project will impact others and the community. I often ask myself, “How are you working to make a transformational impact on our coworkers, family members, and friends?”

Q: What professional accomplishment are you most proud of? 
A: I am originally from Las Vegas, and early on in my career, I had the opportunity to work with an organization that provided free medical treatment to the community. We were able to help over 5,000 people get the immediate care that they needed. To do so, I joined a team of organizations to help fundraise and outreach to local hospitals to recruit volunteer physicians from all avenues of healthcare. Because of my work, I received Senatorial and Congressional recognition.

Q: How has being an AFP member and participating in the AFP affinity groups benefited you in your career? 
A: I have only been an AFP member for a short time. I am having a blast diving into all that it has to offer! I attended the African American affinity group in February, and it was incredible to see the number of devoted fundraising professionals of color. As a new development officer, I found participating in some insightful and engaging discussions helpful. I truly appreciated the breakout groups as an effort to make many people feel connected at once. It was very motivating.

Q: In your opinion, what is the biggest challenge facing the nonprofit fundraising profession today?
A: I’m not sure I see a challenge rather than more opportunities for fundraisers to collaborate and create more programs for the community. A high volume of support is needed, and finding the right connectors to solve these pressing issues can be promoted through more collaboration and innovation.  

Q: What advice do you have for other fundraising professionals, or people interested in getting into the field? 
A: Find an organization whose mission you feel connected to. Take your time, and don’t be afraid to take risks! I am learning that professional development and growth are always an option, and there are so many opportunities out there to continue to do so. But build out your strategy.

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