President's Perspective Blog

Mike’s Monday Message Takeover: Strategic Planning Research: What We Learned from YOU

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Strategic Planning Process

Although this is an incredibly busy time of year for fundraisers both professionally and personally, we wanted to share with you an update on the governance and strategic planning work as we have arrived at the mid-point of the process.  

In June, AFP President & CEO, Mike Geiger, CPA, MBA, announced the launch of the project and the volunteers appointed to the Strategic Planning Committee and Governance Ecosystem Task Force.

In August, AFP members, nonmembers, lapsed members, and key leaders in the fundraising and philanthropic sectors were invited to provide feedback via a survey, via focus groups, and via 1:1 interviews. Thank you for your input on the strategic planning and governance evolution processes. Your feedback, along with that of other stakeholders in the fundraising sector, delivered a broad range of critical perspectives providing valuable insight into what you need from AFP.

Here are the highlights of what you shared during the research phase:

  • There is a significant need — and opportunity — for AFP to improve member satisfaction and the overall member experience. 
  • Nearly 60% of members feel the value they receive from AFP aligns with or exceeds the membership dues they pay. 
  • Networking and community are the most valuable aspects of membership. 
  • There is a high level of satisfaction with AFP’s education and professional development offerings. 
  • AFP’s commitment to IDEA is recognized and appreciated. 
  • Connecting and engaging with your local chapter is important to most members and there are opportunities to improve alignment between chapters and the global office on many fronts. 
  • Many members are eager to volunteer with AFP at multiple levels and see volunteering as a way to give back to the sector and also to advance their own professional journey.

The research demonstrates that we have strengths to build on and gaps to fill. The AFP Global board and staff are reflecting on how we can improve member satisfaction and provide greater value.

Based on your feedback and the insights gained through the research phase, the Strategic Planning Committee and Governance Ecosystem Task Force are developing a draft strategic plan and scenarios for the future of AFP chapters, volunteer management systems, and leadership structure.

We expect the strategic plan to be reviewed and approved by the AFP Global Board of Directors in April and shared with YOU and the general public in summer of 2024.

You can find the list of Strategic Planning Committee and Ecosystem Task Force members as well as updates about the strategic planning process on the AFP website.

Your feedback and involvement is essential to helping AFP to become an organization that more effectively serves the diverse needs of the fundraising community. If you have questions on this process, please contact Derek Mulhern, AFP Governance Consultant.

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