New AFP in Canada Staff: Meet Lisa Davey
June 11, 2018
Name: Lisa Davey
New Role in AFP: Vice President, AFP Canada
Years working and/or volunteering in the nonprofit sector: Over 20 years
What was your first job or defining moment in the sector?
My first job in philanthropy was as the campaign director for the new Canadian War Museum. I joined when the campaign was in full swing with volunteers in place across the country. I had to learn about capital campaigns very quickly to be able to keep up with the amazing Passing the Torch campaign team. That’s the job that made me realize that I wanted to work in the charitable sector.
Describe your desk/workspace.
I am very organized and my desk/workspace reflects this. Although I often have lots of different projects on the go, I always take a few minutes to clean and organize my desk before I finish my day.
What do you think our sector needs to be thinking about?
As a sector, I think we need to focus on the downward trend in volunteering and donating and what steps we can take to turn this around.
Last perfect day off?
My last perfect day off was a family ski trip in Vermont. We had a huge snow storm, and the next day we got to ski fresh, untouched powder. What a great feeling!
Contact Lisa at