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History: The Oklahoma Chapter is a very successful and effective mid-size chapter in existence for over 20 years. The chapter is known for quality monthly educational luncheons and for providing top-notch conferences, including our annual Day of Philanthropy. Membership has steadily grown since the...
Chapter profile
01 Apr 2017
My first encounter with the world of professional fundraising was at an AFP International Conference more than 25 years ago. There I realized my job was a calling, and I was not alone. The moment I saw that others had bosses who did not understand fundraising, period, or had difficulty with...
News post
01 Oct 2017
Building a Profession Through Academic Education—Not Just the Training We Do Now I made my career decision when I was nine years old. We lived in France. I was teaching a room of make-believe students. Outside the window was the Promenade des Anglais, the gorgeous boulevard running along the...
News post Fundraising Basics Your Fundraising Career
08 May 2023
Mental illness affects so many of us, especially in the nonprofit fundraising and philanthropic space, whether it be through our own experiences, those of our loved ones or colleagues, or even in the communities we serve. It’s critically important to take the time to reflect on mental illness and...
News post
01 Jul 2021
The televised murder of George Floyd and ensuing multi-racial protests that started last spring awakened something in the nation’s leading funders. Many corporations, foundations and private philanthropists began focusing their efforts on investing in Black, Indigenous, and people of color-led...
News post Development Office Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA)
We all know that thanking donors is important, but how and when should we be thanking donors? How do different approaches to acknowledgements make people feel, and how does that impact future engagement? In this session, we’ll explore the latest research into donor behavior and effective gift...
Webinar Donor Relations/Stewardship
01 Jul 2021
I compulsively refreshed the red dots on the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 dashboard as they grew and traveled from the east to the west. It was horrific to watch the number of infections and deaths escalate while many argued if the virus was real. In 2020, the country was grappling with the...
News post Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA)
01 Jan 2019
What are the best practices for board governance around the world? How does culture play a part? Is there a universal model that works well, or are the differences among global regions so great that diverse standards should be adopted? Readers now have the opportunity to learn from outstanding...
News post International Trends and Resources
12 Dec 2018
All Canadian AFP members were recently invited to review a nominated slate of board members for a one-year term commencing Jan 1, 2019. Here is the listing of your incoming, endorsed AFP Canada Board of Directors.
News post Boards and Volunteers
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