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Thursday, April 23, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. eastern daylight time (1 CFRE Credit) Achieving Success in a VUCA² Environment In this one hour instructor led session, participants will explore: What Does VUCA mean (Vison/Values; Understanding/Unity; Clarity/Connectedness; Agility/Abundance). Strategies for...
01 Jan 2018
Because you are reading this article, it’s reasonable to assume that you are a member of AFP. Or, your membership may have lapsed, or you are thinking about joining. With an estimated 33,000 individual members spread across the United States and internationally, there are a significant number of...
News post Benchmarks
01 Apr 2019
I love fundraising and philanthropy, and it is my profound honor to serve as your AFP Chair. Working with other social impact fundraisers—as well as CEOs, staff, donors, volunteers, foundations, corporations and so many others dedicated to making change—is one of the greatest joys of my life. Is it...
News post
01 Oct 2021
Fundraisers Face an Impossible Choice You can take care of yourself with healthy boundaries between work and home—or you can work longer hours to raise more money, day after day. You know how much funding is needed to fulfill your mission and, ultimately, reduce the suffering of others. You’re also...
News post Ethics Your Fundraising Career
Kicking off with an electrifying keynote from Fundraising Transformed’s Tammy Zonker, and leading into an afternoon of breakout sessions, the AFP Michiana Philanthropic Institute is a high-impact, high-value, one day philanthropic conference taking place in South Bend, IN at the beautiful Century...
Event Donor Relations/Stewardship Prospect Research
01 Oct 2018
“I have had superheroes all my life, and I am grateful for every single one of them,” says Birgit Burton, CFRE, chair of the IDEA Committee, which is working closely with the Women’s Impact Initiative (WII) task force. “They have shown up in many different ways, most often as mentors. These mentors...
News post Benchmarks Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA) Research Reports
01 Dec 2022
FRANÇAIS We are delighted that AFP members in Canada offered their overwhelming support for the 2023 AFP Canada Board of Directors. Congratulations to the following leaders: Jennifer Johnstone – Chair President & CEO Central City Foundation Vancouver, British Columbia Ken Mayhew – Past Chair...
News post Boards and Volunteers
01 Apr 2018
A lot is riding on the answer to this question: What do Canadian donors want? Protecting kids against infectious diseases, fighting climate change, forging unity among diverse communities, graduating students ready for the workforce but also for citizenship that builds a better world. To name just a...
News post International Trends and Resources Prospect Research
1:00-2:00 PM Eastern | Presenters: Reed Tyler & Anna Burgason Dirksen from BWF Eligible for 1 CFRE Education Point Join us for an enlightening webinar, "AI Myths Debunked: How to Grow Innovation in Your Fundraising Program," where we will dismantle common misconceptions surrounding the use of...
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