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16 Mar 2023
ENGLISH Faits saillants de 2022 Réalisation en partenariat Conduite de l’important travail visant à déterminer les mesures concrètes qu’AFP Canada peut prendre en matière de vérité et de réconciliation, et communication des enseignements tirés de ce travail. Outre les réunions des dirigeant.e.s de l...
News post
01 Apr 2017
How many years have you been involved in the nonprofit sector? I have been a professional in the nonprofit sector for 16 years. When did you join AFP? I joined AFP in 2007. How did you get involved in the nonprofit sector and fundraising? Was it planned, or did you “fall into” it? After college, I...
News post
01 Jul 2021
America’s donors are becoming increasingly diverse, and women’s share of wealth is growing considerably. Today, U.S. women control the majority of our nation’s money, and they control a third1 of all household financial assets. In the next 10 years, this number is only expected to rise. Despite...
News post Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA)
01 Oct 2019
We’ve never done anything like this before. Well, two things, actually. First, as I hope you’ve seen or heard by now—and maybe even checked out some of our online resources already—we’re celebrating the inaugural Ethics Awareness Month as you read this. Of course, every month is ethics month, but...
News post
01 Apr 2020
Giving is the very heart and soul of our profession. When we think about giving, our brain conjures up images of neighbors helping neighbors, communities being transformed and philanthropists changing our world for the better. It’s a word we use hundreds of times a day in our amazing profession...
News post
01 Jul 2016
According to a book put out by National Geographic titled An Uncommon History of Common Things (2009), there are either 340 or 1,500 different versions of the fairy tale some of us know as Cinderella. Italy has an old version (it has an old version of a lot of things) called La Gatta Cenerentola...
News post
28 Jun 2021
“Be yourself; everyone else is taken.” –Oscar Wilde Several years ago, I was surrounded by a handful of new colleagues my first day on the job. We were playing a round of “ask the newbie” twenty questions. One of my new colleagues, seeing my wedding rings, asked what my husband did for a living...
News post Donor Relations/Stewardship Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA)
20 Nov 2019
FRANÇAIS This is the second of a two-part series that AFP Global Daily has been working on about sexual misconduct. Connecting the Dots on Sexual Misconduct in the Philanthropy Sector Part One: When Women Speak Out was published on October 31st. Part Two: The Response In the wake of a Tough Topics...
Resource Boards and Volunteers Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA) Your Fundraising Career
In collaboration with PSI/Adventist, the FEP has developed the downloadable Excel-based FEP Fundraising Fitness Test that allows nonprofits to measure and evaluate their fundraising programs against a set of over 100 performance indicators by five donor giving levels. In addition, the seven GiG...
Resource Benchmarks Prospect Research Research Reports
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