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21 Jul 2021
Fundraisers Hava Goldberg and Tanya Hannah Rumble share their perspectives on what allyship means to them and why it’s important for fundraising professionals, especially those from diverse and underrepresented backgrounds, to seek out friendships within the sector that are grounded in allyship...
News post Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA)
01 Oct 2021
March 10, 2020 was the last Board meeting before the end of our fiscal year at Central City Foundation. The mood in the board room of one of our community partners where we had gathered was buoyant despite rumblings that we might all need to “stay home for a few days” in the face of this growing...
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01 Oct 2020
Above Photo Credit: Omar Lopez The Great Equalizer. In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo called the coronavirus the “great equalizer” (Washington Post, 2020). This single tweet encapsulated a dangerous misconception about the pandemic—that we would all...
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11 Apr 2022
We’ve heard it from Boards of Directors and donors for years: “How do we make our organization more inclusive? Why do we still struggle to engage with Millennials and Generation Z in our philanthropic endeavors, and how do we reach those across social and cultural identity groups?” Nonprofit...
News post Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA) Ethics Fundraising Policies Your Fundraising Career
29 Aug 2018
The Fundraising Effectiveness Project (FEP) released its third quarter findings and announced that both donor giving and donor retention is on a continued downward trend. FEP’s third quarter report indicates year-to-date giving through September 2017 is down by -4% compared to the same time period...
Resource Benchmarks Research Reports
17 Nov 2021
Canada has a long and troubled history in its relations with Indigenous peoples. From before Confederation, to the creation of the Indian Act, to the more recent confirmation of 215 childrens’ graves at former Kamloops Residential School, Canada’s treatment of Indigenous people is widely seen as...
News post Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA)
01 Jul 2018
Above: “Dragon” investors Scott McCain, Dr. David Elias, the Honourable Anne McLellan, and Steve Douglas awarded the $500,000 first-place prize to the Co-Morbidity Crisis—IMPART project team of Dr. Jean-François Légaré, Dr. Keith Brunt, and Dr. Sohrab Lutchmedial. They’ll use the prize money to...
News post Research Reports Case for Support
01 Apr 2017
With this issue, Advancing Philanthropy launches a new short prose series and invites readers to submit their most memorable moment from their years (short or long) in the fundraising trenches. Send your draft of up to 600 words to Susan Drake Swift at For more information...
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05 Mar 2024
CONTACTS: Natalie Paskoski, Manager of Content, (434) 236 – 5583, (Arlington, Virginia) Ken Phillips, founder and consultant at NGO Futures, based in Boston, MA, has been named the 2024 Outstanding Fundraising Professional by the Association of Fundraising...
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