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01 Jul 2021
The success of a capital campaign lies in the details as much as in the dollars. These include the important elements of pre-campaign planning, sequential fundraising, the role of leadership and the importance of stewardship. Was your nonprofit in a campaign or considering one before the pandemic...
Resource Capital Campaigns
05 Oct 2018
AFP is committed to the development of the next generation of fundraisers. The Association understands that in order to ensure there will be interest in the nonprofit sector and fundraising in the future, young people must be exposed to philanthropy in a meaningful way at a young age. To that end...
18 Apr 2022
We are celebrating National Volunteer Week this week here in the U.S., and it’s being celebrated in Canada next week. National Volunteer Week is a time to celebrate volunteers, recognize their impact and encourage volunteerism in our communities. So, this is probably where you’re thinking, oh, okay...
News post Boards and Volunteers Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA) Your Fundraising Career
01 Jul 2024
Over the next 25-plus years, the fundraising world will be driven by women’s wealth capacity, leadership, and activism Who will be the superpowers of philanthropy in the next 25 years? Who will have the capacity and resources to influence social, economic, and political arenas? The answer is women...
News post
30 Aug 2024
La version française suit. The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy—Canada offers Canadian fundraising professionals working for charitable and non-profit organizations the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills in fundraising. Financial scholarships, up to a maximum of $1000, are being...
News post
13 Nov 2018
Day in the Ridings is another way for you to get involved in your community! Meet local politicians and introduce AFP as a valuable and accessible resource. Here’s how!
News post Boards and Volunteers Ethics
Event Development Office Development Plans
21 Aug 2023
Kathy Rabon, CFRE, CFRM, Chair of AFP IDEA Women’s Impact Initiative Othalene Lawrence, M.S., CDE, Head of AFP IDEA Diane Lebson, CFRE, Chair of AFP IDEA Women’s Impact Initiative Mentoring Committee Women’s Equality Day is August 26. But every day, AFP works to empower women in our profession...
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