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01 Apr 2016
Above: Illustration Credit Todd Davidson/Getty Images How to compete for impact-driven resources when your mission focuses on complex, long-term, poorly understood societal needs There is a dilemma emerging in the nonprofit sector. The rise of donor concerns over results has fueled considerable...
News post
01 Jan 2022
We are all prone to utopian versions of the future—a world cured of cancer, successful against climate change, and rich with widespread happiness, health, and freedom. When we discuss how these changes will come about, the answer nearly always screams “technology!” Like many others, the philanthropy...
News post Donor Relations/Stewardship Online Fundraising/Social Media Prospect Research
Students for Life The cover photo on this, our April 2019 issue, is exceedingly famous, although most of us do not recognize it. Imagine: The 3.2 million-year-old bone fossils carefully arranged here belonged to a female Australopithecus afarensis hominid living in what is modern-day Ethiopia. The...
Advancing Philanthropy Issue
04 Mar 2020
FRANÇAIS Sharon Redsky is the strategic partnership coordinator at Dakota Ojibway Child and Family Services in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She was an AFP Diversity and Inclusion Fellow in 2019, and in 2017 was awarded the YMCA-YWCA Women of Distinction, Community Champion Award. She currently serves on the...
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We christened the January 2019 issue “Hard Scrabble” for the specific stories it tells and the difficult challenges our members are tackling across the board. “Unending hard work and struggle”— hard scrabble’s dictionary meaning — are common to the articles you will find here, but so are the words...
Advancing Philanthropy Issue
If you're a fundraiser, chances are you love to talk-about your passion for the mission, how you're achieving that mission, and why you do what you do. Communication, after all, is at the center of everything we do-with foundations, with leadership, with staff and volunteers, and with one another...
Advancing Philanthropy Issue
14 Feb 2023
FRANÇAIS The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy—Canada offers fundraising professionals who live in Canada and are working for charitable and nonprofit organizations, the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills in fundraising. Financial scholarships, up to a maximum of $1000, are being...
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The Winter 2015 issue of Advancing Philanthropy -- Think. Say. Do.: Creating a Culture of Philanthropy This issue is available as a full-issue PDF file: Advancing Philanthropy Winter 2015
Advancing Philanthropy Issue
The Summer 2015 issue of Advancing Philanthropy -- Rethinking Philanthropy: What Does It Mean for You and Your Organization? This issue is available as a full-issue PDF file: Advancing Philanthropy Summer 2015
Advancing Philanthropy Issue
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