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AFP MA Chapter is pleased to present New England's premier annual conference on philanthropy on April 5, 2022. AFP has always served as a critical resource to fundraisers, but in the last two years, creating a network of colleagues who can grow and learn together has been more important than ever...
Event Annual Fund Capital Campaigns Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA) Ethics Major Gifts Planned Giving Research Reports
01 Apr 2018
Imagine an Olympic swimmer who, at the start of a race, jumps into the pool and simply treads water. This person is still an Olympian, but they won’t be bringing home a gold medal. Does that sound ridiculous? Perhaps. Unfortunately, it’s what the fundraising community has been doing for more than...
News post Fundraising Basics Fundraising Policies
01 Jan 2018
Quick: What were you doing at this time 25 years ago? Some of you may have a hard time remembering where you were 25 years ago, or some, like me, know precisely what you were doing. For me, the fall of 1993 was a time of soul-searching and exploration as I started my professional fundraising journey...
News post Development Office Development Plans
Planet Philanthropy is the premier fundraising conference for Florida! Attendees come from Miami to Jacksonville, Pensacola to Orlando and Tampa and everywhere in between! The conference also attracts fundraisers from all over the country and Puerto Rico. On average, over 400 nonprofit leaders from...
02 Jul 2020
Read It’s Groundhog Day in America: A Personal Journey (Part I) My journey continued in a unique and unexpected way. 1970s In 1970, I started a new job as Assistant to the Vice President for Student Affairs at Chicago State University. Chicago State was on the south side of Chicago (69th and Stewart...
News post
24 Jun 2020
“I read that report . . . of the 1919 riot in Chicago, and it is as if I were reading the report of the investigating committee on the Harlem riot of ’35, the report of the investigating committee on the Harlem riot of ’43, the report of the McCone Commission on the Watts riot. I must again in...
News post
It's not too late to participate. Our fundraising goal is in sight!
18 Jul 2018
The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada, is pleased to welcome four new board members to the Board, effective July 1, 2018.
News post Boards and Volunteers
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